For real,though!

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I really miss the 24hr kroger, walmart, etc. Shopping when the store was basically empty was nice, kinda pleasant even

When I worked at a movie theater, I would get off at 3AM and hit up Walmart on the way home like 4x a week.

I remember going to midnight releases of movies and me & my friends would hit up IHOP afterwards. Those were the days.

I wish! nothing is open 24 hrs in my town. walmart closes at 11, the grocery store USED TO be 24 hrs but now closes at 10, kohl’s closes at 9, most of the gas stations close at 11….

when I worked 2nd shift I LOVED getting groceries after work. it was just me and the restockers in there. no slow ass old people walking at 0.0001 mph, no idiot assholes parking their cart in the dead center of the aisle, it was great!

i couldn’t imagine working nights now, as yeah all my shopping was done 2 or 3 in the morning even when i was off work.

i had to do a couple right during covid starting.

the only place to eat at 5 am was steak and shake.

I work late. I really, really miss 24 hour stores that aren’t just convenience stores.

I worked night shift at Walmart and no longer had the job right before COVID. It is crazy to me that they are not back to 24 hours.

Almost everything was open until at least midnight back then. We used to leave the bar at 2am and go eat at Chili’s

The safest time to be in a Walmart.

Unless they were cleaning the floors. Because they will shut down only the aisles you need.

Good times.

Are they not 24 hours anymore?

It was both peaceful and scary

We used to go to Dunkin Donuts at 2 AM, plastered to sit at the counter and get fresh made donuts and coffee, and make nice with the local cops.

There was nothing like going to Walmart after getting off at 3am from a busy bartending shift. It was therapeutic.

As a night worker, I really miss stores being open at night.

Working 2nd shift for over 20 years. It was the best time to do your grocery shopping. Best parking, no lines, I really miss it. There are thousands of ppl who work late nights, and when they get off work, they get hungry just like everyone else. We want our 24hr business’s back.

Iโ€™d go shopping late night after my son and wife went to sleep. Youโ€™d see some crazy shit there.

I miss things being open really late (or all night). I tend to work until 10 or 11pm but even when I donโ€™t, Iโ€™m a night owl and I donโ€™t like lots of people.

I loved going grocery shopping at midnight or 1am. Barely anyone else there. Itโ€™s quiet. I can just putt around and not feel crowded.

Covid hours changed all that.

A date and I went drive out to a haunted bridge and we stopped at one to get snacks at 2am. What a great time. Such a shame they donโ€™t exist anymore

In college, I worked at a pizza place and usually closed. I’d go home, shower, and go to Walmart to get my shopping done. It was great. You might see one other person shopping. I miss those days.

As a nurse who works evenings, I really miss 24 hour…. fucking anything! When I get off work there’s like 3 stores open and they’re all fast food places

Yeah cause covid will come back harder if we donโ€™t open Walmart 24/7 again. Love that change.

I miss the days of going Black Friday shopping super early because the best deals were at that time. Now Black Friday is basically a month.

I often went to Tesco at 3 am in my university years. Miss that time.

Im so pissed that Walmart and grocery stores used to be open 24/7 and now they’re not. Covid hit and people thought “you know what we should do? Close in the off hours. They will totally stop stores from being crowded during normal hours.”
Let me shop any time. What if it’s 3am and I want to grill something but no charcoal or steaks? Where the fuck is my freedom at!?

You’d see some fucking creatures at that hour. And I was one of em.

Iโ€™m so bummed, I never knew about 24hr walmarts until I saw a notice saying they werenโ€™t doing that anymore during the pandemic

I miss 24 hour stores or restaurants.

I honestly hate how nobody but a gas station here or there is open 24 hours anymore.

The best freaks and methheads were always there to give me some entertainment on those 2AM trips. Kids today won’t ever know what joys covid took from them.

Why havenโ€™t they gone back?

The Walmart in my town doesn’t even have stockers at night anymore. Makes it a pain to get around when you shop in the morning.

If by shopping you mean wondering around coming down off a trip, stealing snacks to eat while sitting on the furniture, than yes, we did used to shop at 2am

Munchies was great back then

We don’t have Walmarts here, but there was a 24hour grocery store near where I lived back when I was going to college
Would always end up there after midnight, doing the weekly shop, which was when the shelves where been restocked, which was nice

And what exciting people we met.

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