For the First Time in History, We Have a Clear Image of a Star in Another Galaxy

By zunbrun
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“The star in question, named WOH G64, resides in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way, approximately 160,000 light-years away. This colossal red supergiant boasts dimensions estimated at 2,000 times that of our Sun, making it one of the most massive stars known to science.”


Sauron is watching.

Second photo has no place in this post.

That first pic reminds me of glados or whatever the name was from “PORTAL”

Are both images real or only the left one ?

If the right one is also real and not a rendering โ€ฆ itโ€™s actually exceedingly beautiful to me

Dog Star

And what’s cool is you look at the first pictures of pluto before compared to now and it’s ridiculous the difference.

Real Photo VS Artist Rendition ๐Ÿ‘Ž

Thatโ€™s not a star.. thatโ€™s the eye of Sauron!

I’ve seen clearer images on HBO static.



Sauron is back

Nice try. That’s a dog.

just imagine what the astronomy news will be like in like 70 years

Goddamn amogus star

The universe is incredibly beautiful and so are humanities achievements to view pictures like this

Itโ€™s just amazing to me how so many things have to go โ€œrightโ€ in order for us to exist as a species and we are so fucking repressive towards eachother that none of this greater stuff matters.

Define clear

don’t we already have that? you can look at pictures of andromeda and see individual points of light which are stars. that’s a clear image of a star in another galaxy.

That’s an angel

So cool.

that looks beautiful

so Sauron has been watching us the whole time

Who took the picture? Peter Jackson?

One star to rule them all.

Where are the sunglasses? Is that unique to our sun?


Nah but fr this shits fascinating.

Oblivion gate


Why is it egg shaped ? Is that an artifact ?

Donโ€™t stare at it too long

Isnโ€™t this all done through wavelength estimations and what not? Itโ€™s not an actual image but an approximation?

Why donโ€™t our sun has a cloudy thing like that? Or is that not visible?

We have a blurry image of a star in another galaxy

Sauronโ€™s A-hole

That’s a clear image…?


For the first time? How is that possible?

Eye of Soron!!

Don’t look. You will go blind

Alive in the Superunknown!

Oh look, its Sauron!

Whatโ€™s surrounding it?

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