For the last time, Mr. Wonka, I did not try any experimental gum

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Ngl JD looks like he’s been on Prednisone too long and has moon face


[Wish he had done this](

“And that purple residue is definitely not from me penetrating this couch!”

Boy, wasn’t his outburst with Zelensky the kind of bad acting you only see in your high school play? It was obviously planned and executed with the complete knowledge of The Dear Leader.

Haters will say this is edited

Hope his wife finally sees the hillbilly draped in Ivy League cloak that she has married.

he has the face of a 300 pound man…does he have a medical condition?

I swear this picture is melding Kyle Rittenhouse and Couch Fuckers face into one…



Member facism? Member gas chambers? I member.


Looks like he got ahold of a bad couch…….

Should be orange where he’s been motorboating Dumps arse cheeks.

i think the yelowish from the dude in sin city might fits him well


SaY ThAnK YoU!

He blue himself and now he has a bit of a mess on his hands. Looks like JD needs a new start

garbage pail kid.


JD Violet you’re turning violet!

The color you get from too much ass kissing you know who

If you make him bald with regular skin color, he looks like Baby Sinclair from the Dinosaurs TV Show.


cushion fucker


This might be the best one.

Violet, you’re turning Violet Violet

Look I genuinely hate our stand in pres and his puppets but I really don’t like how often I see people stooping to this. We don’t need to make fun of people’s bodies when their minds are ammo enough.

If you ever wondered to yourself…

What ever happened to Isaac from Children of the Corn?


Allergic to Scotch-Guard.


Garbage pail kid.

Where’s wonka when you need him

It does blow my mind that this isnt even photoshopped

What’s the point of this?

You don’t need AI to make Vance look silly. Leave the cheap mockery to MAGA

I said good day!

Thanos shitty brother. Guess we know why he was gonna snap

lol this will not get old

JD = Jelly donut

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