forgive me

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comment image?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f40ce19b76de679598bfca2633db31cda22521c

I live in Hollywood and was within two blocks of having to evacuate last night and this was the first thing I thought of

comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad9a554f350ca5b5d40c3c630d80ab17a05cf07c

LA went full
comment image?width=272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e4c1d361e167948c3efc75c2446d22795783496

As a LA resident born and raised: FUCK YOU take my updoot and get out

Sad situation, but a much needed laugh.

Bro woke up on demon time today lol

This is absolutely vile, I love it.
comment image?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2da5166eb42919cac90bc02a63d7431e2f75d7f

Pretty dark… I mean I guess I should say bright

Replace it with “California” and this will be a meme that is perpetually usable every year

Is Detroit Caelid then?


Too soon

LA is currently living in the Age of Fire, no doubt. Mayor Gwyn caused this.

You just made my day. 🤣

nahh.. my dad is out there, he’s a firefighter. people are losing homes, people, and animals. my friends had to evacuate. it’s really scary and i wake up feeling disgusting and sick about these fires everyday now they’re happening. i’m in socal

😭 too soon my boy

Naaaaa bro

I can hear this picture

lol… horrific

Trying to put the baby asleep with one hand, scrolling Reddit with the other hand, saw this and started laughing. lol 😂

Top tier meme.

Chance missed to use a picture of Lost Izalith and call it Lost Angeles

I live near LA and this made me chuckle out loud. Humor to cope is always the way.

U will burn in Hell for creating this
I will burn in Hell for laughing at this
We are not the same

I saw a news report where the guy on the scene pointed out that the white flakes raining from the sky were not snow but ash, and all I could think was

>Los Angeles, Ashen Capital

As an person living in LA right now, I laughed


Love it

Out of pocket


As an LA resident this is not accurate. There are buildings still standing.

I live few minutes from the Runyon, and this morning feels like Ashen Capital, literally ash is in the air, falling on the entire city!

OC feels like Stormhill with how intense the winds have been down here.

Oh, you gon to hell

Another common California L

Which one of you fuckers ignited the Erdtree??

Shit I should’ve not listened to Shabriri

Any photo of Caelid would’ve also worked

Timely shit. Topical shit.

[Los Angeles is Burning](

whoa! lol

This is like making a 9/11 joke between the first and second plane lmao

Almost spit out my drink, but realized that that amount of liquid wouldn’t help them so I didn’t

LA fires hurt more than lava does in elden ring

Great meme but damn.

Tragedy… but this is a masterpiece of timing

I just wanted to steal the hundredth comment, good meme


Brutal & fantastic.

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