Former Alaskan senator Mike Gravel’s tweet from 6 years ago

By 1ucie1
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Why are Democrats always more responsible for Republicans’ actions than Republican politicians, conservative voters, or non-voters?

To the people saying Trump isn’t a white nationalist. Ask yourself seriously if Trump would, given the opportunity, have only white people in this country.

Mike Gravel did not run his own Twitter account at this time. This is a tweet by Gen Z Chapo Trap House listeners.

I wish Biden was the Obama redux

Joe Biden was one of the most progressive presidents in recent history. Not on the same level as FDR or LBJ, but definitely a lot more progressive than Clinton or Obama.

If Trump would have won in 2020, would we be finished with him by now?

This is basic dialectical theory and it’s infuriating that people understand it so little that this tweet seems like gospel. It should be common sense

Remove all maga from the country in absolutely any way possible.

Yeah, so weak and feckless that Trump is determined to undo it all, yet not undo any of it.

Green new deal.

Russia hasn’t rolled over Ukraine.

A resurgent NATO.

Just to name three.

So what? Andrew Johnson succeeding Abraham Lincoln and appeasing the south by vetoing the 14th amendment (you know, the one Trump wants gone) and effectively excluding newly freed slaves from the reconstruction and reintegration of the United States **does not imply that Lincoln should not have waged the civil war in the first place**.

Let me tell you something about conservatives. They’ll make up nonsensical hierarchies and causal narratives that benefit them and then try to make up bullshit justifications after the fact. It’s a retcon. It’s there to convince you with a “yeah that kinda makes sense”. No it does the fuck not

Calling Biden an Obama redux shows how out of touch these people are

uh oh, we actually made progress under obama and biden. so it must be their fault the public are fucking morons and voted trump back in!

except it didn’t matter what kind of leadership a dem president would’ve shown, the billionaires who bought all the media controlled the narrative and how people saw their many many successes.

the same way they’re currently literally blind to see how the new trump administration is breaking anything that made their live in that already kinda shithole nation livable most of the time.

The Dems failed in 2024 since they were perceived as too liberal, generally

Aw man, why didn’t we just nominate that perfect candidate that’s never existed?!

Obama was very popular and he served two terms.

And what was an actual viable alternative? What did Mike do to prevent this?

As an Alaskan, I don’t claim him lmao

It’s always been populism. Obama campaigned as one, but governed as an instructional Washington insider. People wanted Bernie as he was a populist, not Hillary. Biden did the same thing Obama did.. so here we are.

This tweet purports to be long before the 2020 Democratic primaries and a year before Biden’s nomination. It looks like a fake screenshot made by an idiot who got the year mixed up.

Does this mean in four years we get Super Obama?

4 years ago I said that Biden will win by being white and a repudiation against Trump and I wondered who will Democrats grow or build up to run against Trump.

Well. Here we are with the same question lmao. Ahhhhhh.

Remember Republicans voted for Trump because the big meany head Dems called them names.

Republicans have no agency and are but babes wandering the woods reacting to every real and perceived Dem slight. Dems must govern exactly correctly and always conform to the whims of Republicans who bear no responsibility for their lies.

Dems must be perfect and the GOP may spew as much hate and nonsense as they like. Thems the rules

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That’s not true!

Damn, must be a ton of Black and Brown White Nationalists since so many voted for Trump. Perhaps the policies and positions of the Democrats are just awful in general?

Wow. He fucking called it didn’t he?

Talk about this at work quite a lot, the further the pendulum swings one way the further it swings the other. I knew the day Obama was declared the winner of his first election that was going to start the swinging going wild. There are still too many racist people. It doesn’t help that Democrats keep putting up weak candidates that are only selected because they meet a certain demographic instead of the best candidate for the job. Also George Washington said back in his day that the two party system will destroy the country, we need to vote them out!

Anyone with a brain could’ve seen that coming. I was downvoted, temp banned from subreddits, occasionally muted, blocked by multiple people, and outright ridiculed by others for even expressing the slightest doubt in the Biden/Harris ticket going into the 2024 election.

Trump’s 2020 loss was the best thing that ever happened to Republicans, and because of a series of missteps and major public gaslighting by the DNC over the past two years, we’re all worse off for it. People just couldn’t get their heads out of their asses and prevented any reasonable dissent from occurring in their echo chambers.

Aged like fine wine unfortunately

The 4 years of Biden were some of the best in American history. Every political analyst will tell you this, and some were even having the discussion of his deserving a role in Mount Rushmore.

Better than four years of… President fElon.


But Buttigieg had some wine with some people, can’t elect him.

I read it as a Trump reflux. I’m pretty sure that is what he meant.

I get downvoted constantly anytime I bring up that Democrats caused Trump to win.

Hell, after Trump won the presidency, allll those lawsuits just dropped. How fking bad of a look is it when Trump calls out all this as just being politically motivated when they stop trying to throw him in jail just because he won the presidency.

Remember when everybody said Trump would pardon his family? And then Biden pardons his family?

These decisions are going to be a BIG factor in 2028. There was absolutely no long-term thinking, and these absolutely terrible actions by the left ARE going to be what cause Republicans to win in 2028.


I’m a simple man . I vote for people that I can live a normal life under.

4 weeks ago I had that.

Democrats nearly always fumble at the goal line.


Except he wasn’t defeated. Biden would have beat Trump anyway

But this wasn’t inevitable. Biden should’ve dropped out earlier and let the Democrats have a real primary.

I hate to break it to you, but Biden would have won a second term… And his presidency was anything but “weak.” The guy oversaw the quickest economic turnaround in recent history and implemented one of the largest industrial initiatives in recent history. Dems fumbled their position listening to polls that have incorrectly guessed the last three elections and rushing at the chance to try and tick a demographic box with a candidate…

Republicans are responsible for their own actions.

The white nationalists are in the wood work and have no influence.
but if Dems wanted to beat Trump they’d have to offer the people literally anything, they gave us less than nothing.
If they don’t nominate Sanders,fetterman for 2028 then you’ll be looking at another four years with a trump lite president.
Probably not JD Vance but a trump Loyalist yeah.

I think Putin thought this as well.

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