Former Canadian Prime Minister: “Stop this nonsense; Canada will never join the United States!”

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Jean Chrétien was a motherfucker in the best sense of the word.

Time to give out some handshakes.

I forgot how much I liked the guy.
His speech was great!

The most energetic speech of the night goes to the 91 year old. Bravo my friend. A living Canadian legend.

Fuckin’ rights.

Vive le Canada!

Never 51st.

Give Trump your famous Shawinigan handshake!

We could use some more Shawinigan Handshakes right about now.

He had the best speech of the evening.

I will always respect him for keeping us out of that godless war, but man couldn’t you have used a better picture.

91yrs old and still a force to be reckoned with. His speech felt like a historical thing of beauty 🇨🇦👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Proud Canadian moment today seeing Mr. Chretien speak


Don’t fuck with that guy

He was tough as nails, politically and physically. You can tell even at 91 in the way that he speaks now. I don’t know if it’s allowed but I’d like to link his speech. [](

“As i’ve told you many times, Canada is not broken”

For those who aren’t Canadian or too young to remember.

Before he was PM, he was absolutely vital in drafting the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms which has gone on to be the most cited charter of rights in the world. (Beyond even the US bill of rights). It’s not hyperbole to say this man is one of Canada’s founding fathers.

Thank you Mr. Chrétien !!!

He has a lot of grit especially at his age

Its amazing to me how many Americans know nothing about Canada, but are quite opinionated about US/Canada relations as if they know whats going on. I’m basing this off of internet comments I see on social networking platforms like this one and live stream chats like Asmongold / Agenda Free TV / Other streams on youtube. It seems that Americans just parrot stuff that Trump says or other things they see other people comment about despite it being completely false.

When he talked about the White House getting burnt down and said he’s now too old to do it- I spit out my drink haha GO OFF, JEAN!

The Sleeping Northern Giant awakened. From a Malaysian American down in Amarillo, do whatever you must!!

For anyone unfamiliar with the Shawinigan handshake…

comment image

The OG of Sovereignty 

This man. Take him or leave him, they don’t make them like this anymore.

Even at 91 he’s a badass. We are lucky to have that frenchy

Would be so great if Former Presidents weighed in with their thoughts on all this as well.

U.S. Relations are being burned to the ground as we speak- all their hard work and effort. Gone.

When the U.S. falls Former Presidents are on the top of the list for their complicity. Their legacy goes right along with the House of Cards.

Imagine taking a guy who, at his best, was not particularly known for giving a single, solitary fuck and then being like “bro, can you possibly give even less of a fuck?”


He hasn’t aged!

One of the greats.

He’s an icon.

Our National Treasure and Keeper of the Flame

I miss that guy from Shawinigan. Maybe we should send him down so he can give the Shawinigan handshake to Diaper Donald.

The best part was what he said immediately before this quote: “from one old guy to another…”

If you think Canadians are just kind and jolly Google the shawinigan handshake. We do not want to be messed with and rather not be made into a joke of. Citizens of the US must do the right thing and steer your politicians towards sensibility by whatever means you can muster.

Love this hero that kept Canada out of the Iraq war despite massive pressure.

Trump is just stirring shit up like it’s a joke.

Canada, as an American:

I’m so fucking sorry

Does anyone have a link to his speech? I heard it was epic.

Loved this guy.

I could see Canada from my house as a kid, and our schools still taught us bupkis about our neighbors.

You’re god damn right!


He fucking killed it!

He truly loves Canada ❤️

Incredibly cogent man for 91!

I would prefer Ohio joining Canada. A much more sane and polite country

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