Found a pioneer woman’s shoe underneath my ancestors homestead we are saving

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Shoes were put in wall cavities to ward off evil sprits

Kinda makes me think of a witch that got smashed under a house in Kansas. 😬

OP, if it’s a genuinely historic artifact please consider reaching out to a museum! Surviving footwear is relatively rare given that they were heavy use items made of degradable materials, your ancestor’s shoes could be interesting to conservators and historians.

I found a croc in my back yard. Gonna leave it there for someone in 2070 to unearth.

Balenciagas next drop

I’d do anything to have an ancestors homestead in the family

Man… I hate being **THAT** guy.

I don’t think this is a pioneers shoe. Is it old? Yes. Is it **THAT** old? Almost assuredly not.

I am a leather worker, and I’ve seen some crazy things survive through some crazy stuff. But this kind of shoe is a popular design with some more current features.

The eyelets are the most damning feature. The style is too current to be from the 1800s or earlier.

I don’t think that shoe is very old. Honestly looks like one I had in the 2000s.

Could be a man’s shoe. They wore heels first. Idk how long ago..

You should open up a bed and breakfast called The Busted Boot!


Why does it say Dr Martens on the side?

That’s cool!

As a leathercrafter, that’s actually kinda fascinating to see.

Hold on to it in case she comes back for it. You know how pioneer women are about their shoes

People really had deformed feet back then

any idea the year?

found one in our home in NJ built in or before 1888. a woman’s shoe was put in the walls, crawl space, or basement to bring good luck and ward of bad stuff…
by religious folks logic you should just put it back because “what if it is true”
I say put it back because it is fun treasure for th next home owners to find, but add a note letting them know the myth…

I think that’s Balenciaga! lol

That’s so precious. We have to do rituals eventually to ferry the dead from 17 18 00s.

Reminds me of Timothee Chalamet

Very nice.

Is there an embossed design on it? Can you post a closeup, that would be cool to see.

That’s pretty neat, I wonder how old they are.

This is Utah, right?

I found a similar shoe and little bottle of black liquid under the backsteps of my 1924 home

At one time that shoe was shiny and new and someone was strutting around feeling pretty in their new kicks
Makes ya wonder about the journey of a lone shoe

That looks so much like my Ariat paddock boots🤣

Hope the rest of her isn’t there

Did you try it on? Because if a pioneer woman’s shoe doesn’t fit, you must acquit.


Probably better made than anything today

So cool, I wonder if you could take it to someone to find out more like what time this shoe is from!

Does it smell old

just wanted to say this is a really pretty photo, really cool subject with the snowy fields and mountains in the background and evening light, simply lovely 🙌

Op, how do u know it’s a women’s?

I wonder how old that shoe is? And did a little old lady ever live in that shoe?

I thought it’d be a portkey! 😅

Put it back

Donate to local/regional history museum

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