Found my 13 yr old son’s Bucket List and realized I need to rethink my entire life. [OC]

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That is funny. Many of those are achievable, though, so that’s nice! Some of them… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

he really hit the ground running with number 1. respect. 

I’m a 42 year old woman, and I have three of these on my list 🫣

Last one cracked me up!!!!!May his life be as adventurous as his bucket list!!!

Edit:-hit 1k upvotes!!!never thought my comment could resonate with so many!!!!

Clearly he’s going places… possibly to discover goblins and beat them up in a cool jeep.

I think your son needs to understand that sharks are already sea creatures so they do not need a snorkel.

“Prove the existence of goblins.”

This kid is going places.

Really loves animals ✅
Loves cool cars ✅
Loves fiction ✅
Loves books ✅
“Beat up someone” 💀

what he would change his names for? I’m curious

Does he like Redwall because you have the books from when you were younger? Or is there a resurgence in its popularity now? I loved them as a kid and I never see/hear anyone talk about them.

Chaotic Neutral

He’s gonna prove the existence of goblins by meeting JK Rowling.

I suggest he combine 10 and 20.

No. 20 cracked me up

Looks like you and your partner are doing something so right if he has number 13 on his list. ☺️

Please make him watch My Octopus Friend

Just bag #19, he can do all of it!

Dope list. Redwall is a great series

Maybe 10 and 20 could be combined……

For those who wonder: The binturong (Arctictis binturong) (/bɪnˈtjʊərɒŋ, ˈbɪntjʊrɒŋ/, bin-TURE-ong, BIN-ture-ong), also known as the bearcat, is a viverrid native to South and Southeast Asia.

beat up JK Rowling. 2 birds.

Beat up someone is gold. Looks like I’ll be seeing him on National Geographic soon!

I would consider my life complete with 1 & 4

I sure as heck didn’t have anything close to this more than 40 years ago when I was 13. I wonder what’s behind #12 and #20, though?

Could probably check off 5 and 20 pretty easily if you consider an octopus a person.

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