Found on another subreddit. Thought it for here.

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The church classified beaver as fish. It’s clear culinary arts isn’t their forte.

Technically the eggs we eat are unfertilized but the Catholic Church is weird about ~~zygotes~~ gametes too

It isn’t no meat but rather you only eat fish and not meat as a symbol of poverty. Fish and shrimp and lobsters used to be poor people’s food.

An egg sold in shops to eat is not fertilised, so no baby chicken dies

This is like saying sperm is a child.

Most eggs you eat aren’t fertilized. Even a fertilized egg can hardly be called meat.

*In diner-*

*”I want to feast upon the unborn!”*

*”She means she’ll have eggs.”*

I can never remember where that’s from though…

The issue is meat. Eggs doesn’t have meat until it makes an actual bird.

Historically it was believed that sperms contained tiny, fully formed humans, and uteri were merely vessels in which they could grow to a greater size. Ob iously, men came up with that idea.

Now I’m wondering if an omelette is really just a pre-chicken pancake.

Catholic teaching is: Unfertilized eggs are not chicken. Fertilized eggs have a chicken inside. A woman’s eggs are not humans. A man’s sperm are not humans. A woman’s eggs fertilized by a man’s sperm, containing new and separate human DNA, is a human.

Whoever originally made the meme failed biology in every school they went to

You are have to a under functioning human to not understand the difference in fertilized and non fertilized eggs 🤦‍♂️ no one called vasectomy murder

No balut on Fridays, either

Capibaras are fish for the church!

Congrats to the guy who won the argument he made up in his head.

How low of an IQ do you need to make this or perhaps you just need a lot of weed

You wouldn’t eat a fertilized chicken egg my dude

Human egg cells are not babies, sperm are not babies. When a human sperm and egg cell merge they form something knew. When it gets a soul, it’s a baby and you don’t get to kill it. And as far as we know the soul is created at conception.

Do you people not understand how eggs work

Eggs is not meat though. You be trippin,

Really dumb post, the eggs we eat aren’t fertilized. Read a book

Let me quote Will Smith (paraphrasing) “Keep the name of the Roman Catholic Church out your f*<£ing mouth”

Did redditors literally fail biology and how fertilization works?

We don’t eat fertilized eggs.

Eat all the period blood you want.

bruh. No one is eating fertilized eggs. You’d crack it open and a chicken embryo will fall into your frying pan. The eggs you eat are unfertilized and aren’t a fucking chicken. That’s the difference

Is this not a subtle critique of the catholic church conflating infant law onto fetuses?

Unfertilized eggs will never become a chicken.

Eggs are unfertilized ovum. Why would they be meat?

It’s not actually a matter of it being made from animals. It’s literally the meat which is the issue, and abstaining from it is only due to it being seen as a luxury item while Fridays are days of penance. Eggs are not made of muscle tissue, so it would be fine, just like gelatin. Fish has also always been super easy to come by, so it wasn’t lumped in with other forms of meat.

Actually if you knew anything you would know that it’s only red meat no red meat fish chicken all that other stuff is fine no red meat.

Wait.. Would swallowing cum be cannibalism? Jks

TBF eggs aren’t always inseminated. Amusing picture nonetheless

McDonald’s introduced the filet o’ fish sandwich specifically because accommodate their Catholic customers, because they aren’t supposed to eat meat on Fridays and fish aren’t considered meat or vegetable but a secret third thing because (most) fish don’t have sex.

These are the same people with corpi of texts arguing whether or not dog-headed men have souls because one city in Egypt didn’t want to replace their statue of Thoth-Anubis.

I always find it hilarious that the Catholic Church still (!) tries to portray itself as worthy of telling people what’s right morally. Like, imagine having literally any other organization which was responsible for literally millions of child rapes/sexual assaults being like “hey, listen to us about morals”.

Eggs aren’t chickens at all. The eggs that most people eat are 100% chicken free

Not fertilized therefore no life in it just an egg dummy

Well, unfertilized eggs don’t hatch, soooooooo

I get the joke but most people don’t eat fertilized eggs

The guy with green hat looks like elon musk

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