I’m allergic to cats and we have 7, so I know a bit about loving and living with walking, meowing fluffy balls of allergens.
I highly recommend Levoit air purifiers with the upgrade of the pet dander filters. We have them all around the house, and they make a world of difference.
We change our hvac air filter twice monthly.
We run a Roomba upstairs and another downstairs every 2-3 days, and use a handheld vacuum (specifically for pet dander- I can’t remember the name and I have a cat on my lap so I can’t get up to check) on the furniture about as frequently, and we’ve covered all of the furniture with slipcovers that get washed every two weeks or so.
My husband vacuums the whole house with a hepa/pet dander Dyson weekly, including the drapes and flipping furniture over to get the undersides.
Until recently, I took a Zyrtec, Flonase, and eye drops every morning and a Benadryl every night. But someone on this sub pointed out that prolonged use of Benadryl could cause all sorts of problems, so I cut that out. Now I use the Maover saline nasal flush bottle every other morning, and it has changed my life. I only take Zyrtec the days I don’t do the flush, and eye drops as needed (maybe once a week). No more Flonase or Benadryl at all.
And I always, without fail, immediately wash my hands after petting my cats.
This is Ed Sheeran, our newest addition to the menagerie. ?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39233937c3381ef295072ca2b6a99f689bbd0c71
12 days ago
I’m allergic to them, too, and we have four. I take Zyrtec daily, sometimes two. The cats are NOT negotiable.
12 days ago
Rehome the husband.
12 days ago
Purina makes a cat food that cuts down on allergens. I am allergic to my cats, and it’s been a game changer. Also vacuum floors and furniture regularly.
12 days ago
You’ll miss him for a while but get over it eventually
12 days ago
Option 1: Get Allergy Shots
Option 2: Meds (be careful about long term effects)
Option 3: Get rid of husband
Option 4: Get rid of cats
12 days ago
Will your husband’s new apartment be close by or will you have to commute?
12 days ago
Well, it’s a shame to see him go
12 days ago
So my husband is allergic to cats. I had cats when we started dating, and we still have them, twenty years later.
Vacuum and wash things often. This includes washing bedding, pillows, and curtains.
Flonase or other nasal steroids are a big help. Zyrtec and other oral meds help, too.
Consider the shots, but they won’t take effect right away. My husband is on year three. He reports that they work well.
Air purifiers, especially in the bedroom.
12 days ago
If is not a life and death situation, antihistamines, frequent baths for the cat, and knowledge that he can grow out of it/get acclimated to the specific cat.
My cousin was so allergic she’d go into anaphylactic shock, so not an option for her, but my allergy to cats first went away for the cats in my own household, and now rarely even kick in with unfamiliar cats. There’s hope!
12 days ago
kick your husband out of your house hahah
12 days ago
Not medical advice:
HEPA filtered vac, you do the vacuuming regularly. Use a damp cloth to dust surfaces when possible to trap (rather than spread around) allergens as well.
He should wash hands after touching cats.
HEPA purifiers through house (one per room ideally) Coway Airmega AP-1512HH(W) is what I use, running on medium 24/7. You do the filter maintenance (pretty easy/infrequent.)
A stronger AC/furnace filter (like one labeled for pet dander) can help, but does not replace regular HEPA vacuuming.
No cats in bedroom is best, but if they are in bedroom make sure you have mattress in allergen encasement and wash bedding on hot regularly (probably want to do that anyways…)
Don’t wear street clothes to bed.
I got allergy shots for a few years, they helped.
I have asthma and take my meds including allergy meds, xolair, etc. which all help.
I am allergic to cats and have cats.
12 days ago

12 days ago
decongestants and antihistamines
12 days ago
You could also get cat food that targets feel-d 1. Look into it it’s really interesting how it works. Might make them hypoallergenic to your husband
12 days ago
Allergies suck because it’s literally your immune system overreacting. It takes a toll. It’s bad for your health to constantly be in defense every single day of your life because of cats/dogs/etc. People don’t seem to understand how bad allergies basically rule the lives of those affected.
I feel bad for your husband. If possible, he can try to get immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots. That worked for me for my environmental allergies, but unfortunately it did nothing for my pet allergies (me personally). It’s worth a try.
Vacuum every single day. Make sure your pets’ coats are brushed and brushed OUTSIDE / in the garage. Do not brush them in the house. The protein in cats’ saliva is what people are allergic to. Cats lick their fur to clean themselves.
Encourage him to wash his hands directly after handling the cats. You should also wash your hands if you plan to hug him/embrace him after touching your cats.
Showers at NIGHT help to prevent bringing allergens into the bed where he sleeps and spends 7-8 hours of his day. If he’s a morning showerer, encourage him to try showering right before bed instead. You could also help by showering at night.
Do not allow pets on soft furniture surfaces (bed, bedding, couch). Unfortunately, these surfaces trap and collect the fur and dander that people are allergic to.
12 days ago
I have a standing prescription for avamys nasal spray, I originally got it for the nasel allergy infections, but it keeps me clear from all sorts of allergies including the cats.
12 days ago
I’m extremely allergic to cats, every which way. I will not give up cats for anything
12 days ago
12 days ago
Keep the furbabies, find a new home for the husband through the husband redistribution system.
12 days ago
I did allergy shots for years, and was able to come off of them maybe a decade ago. Here’s my situation: I’ve been living with cats for the past 20ish years. Four of them have died over the years, and I always adopt right away. Two currently live with me. I have always developed immunity to any animal that’s lived in my house.
This won’t work for everyone of course, but it may work for your SO.
BTW that cat is immeasurably cute!
12 days ago
My best friend is allergic to her cat. She takes an anti histamine and has a “hypoallergenic room” where her cat isn’t allowed. I love it because she has a huge house and has dedicated the smallest room to be off limits 🤣
Air purifiers could help, brush them regularly
I’m allergic to cats and we have 7, so I know a bit about loving and living with walking, meowing fluffy balls of allergens.
I highly recommend Levoit air purifiers with the upgrade of the pet dander filters. We have them all around the house, and they make a world of difference.
We change our hvac air filter twice monthly.
We run a Roomba upstairs and another downstairs every 2-3 days, and use a handheld vacuum (specifically for pet dander- I can’t remember the name and I have a cat on my lap so I can’t get up to check) on the furniture about as frequently, and we’ve covered all of the furniture with slipcovers that get washed every two weeks or so.
My husband vacuums the whole house with a hepa/pet dander Dyson weekly, including the drapes and flipping furniture over to get the undersides.
Until recently, I took a Zyrtec, Flonase, and eye drops every morning and a Benadryl every night. But someone on this sub pointed out that prolonged use of Benadryl could cause all sorts of problems, so I cut that out. Now I use the Maover saline nasal flush bottle every other morning, and it has changed my life. I only take Zyrtec the days I don’t do the flush, and eye drops as needed (maybe once a week). No more Flonase or Benadryl at all.
And I always, without fail, immediately wash my hands after petting my cats.
This is Ed Sheeran, our newest addition to the menagerie.
I’m allergic to them, too, and we have four. I take Zyrtec daily, sometimes two. The cats are NOT negotiable.
Rehome the husband.
Purina makes a cat food that cuts down on allergens. I am allergic to my cats, and it’s been a game changer. Also vacuum floors and furniture regularly.
You’ll miss him for a while but get over it eventually
Option 1: Get Allergy Shots
Option 2: Meds (be careful about long term effects)
Option 3: Get rid of husband
Option 4: Get rid of cats
Will your husband’s new apartment be close by or will you have to commute?
Well, it’s a shame to see him go
So my husband is allergic to cats. I had cats when we started dating, and we still have them, twenty years later.
Vacuum and wash things often. This includes washing bedding, pillows, and curtains.
Flonase or other nasal steroids are a big help. Zyrtec and other oral meds help, too.
Consider the shots, but they won’t take effect right away. My husband is on year three. He reports that they work well.
Air purifiers, especially in the bedroom.
If is not a life and death situation, antihistamines, frequent baths for the cat, and knowledge that he can grow out of it/get acclimated to the specific cat.
My cousin was so allergic she’d go into anaphylactic shock, so not an option for her, but my allergy to cats first went away for the cats in my own household, and now rarely even kick in with unfamiliar cats. There’s hope!
kick your husband out of your house hahah
Not medical advice:
HEPA filtered vac, you do the vacuuming regularly. Use a damp cloth to dust surfaces when possible to trap (rather than spread around) allergens as well.
He should wash hands after touching cats.
HEPA purifiers through house (one per room ideally) Coway Airmega AP-1512HH(W) is what I use, running on medium 24/7. You do the filter maintenance (pretty easy/infrequent.)
A stronger AC/furnace filter (like one labeled for pet dander) can help, but does not replace regular HEPA vacuuming.
No cats in bedroom is best, but if they are in bedroom make sure you have mattress in allergen encasement and wash bedding on hot regularly (probably want to do that anyways…)
Don’t wear street clothes to bed.
I got allergy shots for a few years, they helped.
I have asthma and take my meds including allergy meds, xolair, etc. which all help.
I am allergic to cats and have cats.

decongestants and antihistamines
You could also get cat food that targets feel-d 1. Look into it it’s really interesting how it works. Might make them hypoallergenic to your husband
Allergies suck because it’s literally your immune system overreacting. It takes a toll. It’s bad for your health to constantly be in defense every single day of your life because of cats/dogs/etc. People don’t seem to understand how bad allergies basically rule the lives of those affected.
I feel bad for your husband. If possible, he can try to get immunotherapy in the form of allergy shots. That worked for me for my environmental allergies, but unfortunately it did nothing for my pet allergies (me personally). It’s worth a try.
Vacuum every single day. Make sure your pets’ coats are brushed and brushed OUTSIDE / in the garage. Do not brush them in the house. The protein in cats’ saliva is what people are allergic to. Cats lick their fur to clean themselves.
Encourage him to wash his hands directly after handling the cats. You should also wash your hands if you plan to hug him/embrace him after touching your cats.
Showers at NIGHT help to prevent bringing allergens into the bed where he sleeps and spends 7-8 hours of his day. If he’s a morning showerer, encourage him to try showering right before bed instead. You could also help by showering at night.
Do not allow pets on soft furniture surfaces (bed, bedding, couch). Unfortunately, these surfaces trap and collect the fur and dander that people are allergic to.
I have a standing prescription for avamys nasal spray, I originally got it for the nasel allergy infections, but it keeps me clear from all sorts of allergies including the cats.
I’m extremely allergic to cats, every which way. I will not give up cats for anything
Keep the furbabies, find a new home for the husband through the husband redistribution system.
I did allergy shots for years, and was able to come off of them maybe a decade ago. Here’s my situation: I’ve been living with cats for the past 20ish years. Four of them have died over the years, and I always adopt right away. Two currently live with me. I have always developed immunity to any animal that’s lived in my house.
This won’t work for everyone of course, but it may work for your SO.
BTW that cat is immeasurably cute!
My best friend is allergic to her cat. She takes an anti histamine and has a “hypoallergenic room” where her cat isn’t allowed. I love it because she has a huge house and has dedicated the smallest room to be off limits 🤣
Time to find a new home for the husband.
Divorce, quite obviously
Rehome husband
Put husband up for adoption.