Found outside my bedroom windowsill

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Thatโ€™s $550 of knife. Sell that fucker.

It’s also possible if you had any kind of maintenance work like electrical, building repair or even pest control, some worker may have accidentally left it by mistake

Get you a camera!!!!!!!!!!! Yes sell the knife but maybe use some of it to buy a camera the thought of someone outside my window with a knifeโ€ฆ

Get a camera. That’s a very expensive knife it’s worth a pretty penny so I’d pawn it. But get a camera someone couldve tried breaking in through your window

Itโ€™s an OTF knife. Donโ€™t try to open it until you watch some videos.

Damn. Score.

Issa knife

I’ve got one of those and it has a very mature laser engraving on it:
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Thatโ€™s super creepy. Hopefully you donโ€™t live solo

That’s my holy Grail knife. I want one so bad. Definitely check your local knife laws though. They are straight up illegal in a bunch of states. Not in mine though. In my state you can carry basically any knife ever as long as it’s not concealed. You are so lucky dude. It’s basically the knife John wick buys at the beginning of the second movie. If I were you I would invest in a bench top knife sharpener with a ceramic rod and get it really sharp and use it to open Amazon packages and never leave the house with it in case you lose it or get busted with it. Don’t ever use it as a pry tool or you could damage the mechanism.

Your stalker fucked up. Now you know theyโ€™re watching and they just gave you 500 bucks to buy a gun.

Go to r/knives and ask to see if itโ€™s legit. If so, you can sell it on r/knife_swap or keep it.

Perhaps this new weapon marks the beginning of a magical journey full of adventure, excitement, love, and life-changing powers.

Or just trade it for a PS5.

Honestly, I’d keep it. If someone dropped it right outside your window, you may need it in the near future. Carry that fucker in your pocket and learn how to pull it quickly to defend yourself.

But that’s just what I would do.

Look around the window where you found that really closely. Do you see any pry marks around any of the edges? Check nearby windows. Was the window on the first story? If not then someone probably put it there from inside. If first story then itโ€™s very likely someone was trying to break into your house, either for you or your things and got spooked. Iโ€™d call a friend to stay over for the next few nights if you have someone close and turn on lights outside if you have them. If you see any signs of attempted entry on the windows call the police and have them take a look.

Someone was going to break into your place but probably got scared off

Maybe you live with someone trying to hide it? Or someone who did live there? If you are on the main floor maybe someone put it down and forgot it. I lose tools everywhere.

Sorry everyone is talking about the price of the knife while you are genuinely scared. I would definitely buy a cheap security camera and add some locks to your windows if you donโ€™t have any. Even a motion-light might ease your mind, although they tend to go off a lot with animals. I wouldnโ€™t pawn the knife for a while in case someone was trying to get in your house because then your evidence is gone. Also joining a neighborhood watch page on Facebook could be helpful. I hope you get this resolved and feel safe. Best of luck.

Update: the knife is real. Itโ€™s kind of fun to play with tbh. But I will probably sell. I wonโ€™t be calling police, they have been useless in anything Iโ€™ve needed help in the past year. Including when I was punched in the stomach by my spouse

After sleeping on it and giving it some thought, I think my husband Iโ€™m separated from might have left this here, heโ€™s an idiot so I bet he left it while sneaking around. That thought is unsettling but at least itโ€™s better than a random murderer outside my window. He was in the Marines though not in a fighting job, he worked in supply admin but he has a habit of buying expensive things like guns and โ€œtacticalโ€ gear, so it wouldnโ€™t be surprising if it was his. If so I feel zero guilt keeping it.

Or thereโ€™s another creep literally outside my bedroom window which is alarming.

Based on your comments in this post, I can almost guarantee you that it was dropped by either a police officer or a firefighter. You live in an apartment complex, so it’s highly likely a first responder dropped it responding to a call in your area. Most hoodlums aren’t carrying these around. The ancient law of “finders keepers” would apply to this.

City Cop here (i know nobody likes it), error on the side of caution. Someone was more than likely attempting to enter your home. How they acquired such an expensive knife, who knows. They could have stolen it also. However, SOMEONE put it there. Please keep yourself and your family safe.

Damn, Iโ€™d be wondering whoโ€™s lurking outside if theyโ€™re dropping knives like this. Hopefully youโ€™re well protected, OP!

Scary. That is an expensive knife.ย  is that area easy to access?

If you do try to sell it, I wouldn’t do it locally just in case the owner is watching out for it. Also before selling make sure it is legal to have in your state.

Congrats on your new knife, OP

How much do you want for the knife?

Found on the sill? On the ground? Apartment? Neighborhood? Alleyway behind the house? A corridor between homes where a maintenance worker or public utility worker would walk? Perhaps law enforcement walking looking for something and it came out of their pocket?

Once upon a time a long time ago I was a ne’er do well and I assure you. A high quality piece like that was not nefariously left by a piece of trash like the younger me. I think it was just an accident.

It’s expensive and made by a top notch knife manufacturer (Benchmade). Also, it’s designed for stabbing people. It’s not a utility knife. It’s for murder, fighting or defense.

Someone might be back for that – Iโ€™d put it back

Aww.. how come YOU get a visit from the knife fairy. Ibe been leaving out gifts for her for years and never once got a visit yet.

1) That’s…creepy

2) That’s a pretty nice knife, goes for over $500

Keep that sick ass knife

This is totally off topic: OP, you have pretty nails.

Sorry can I get that back please ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I would also place traps or glue sharp things to your windowsill on the outside. In case someone tries to break in and they will cut themselves doing so.

You have a well-paid stalker? Get a ring camera. They always come back.

I worry it’s left there for someone to break in

If it’s worth $550 and you live in a rough neighborhood, sell it on marketplace for around $350, get a Taurus 9mm.

Time to get a Doberman and some cameras. Maybe a Glock. We have motion lights, in the front and back yards. A big ass Doberman and a shepherd. A camera. A gate in the front and back. If they werenโ€™t shut properly and the wind blows the gates open the dogs go nuts. We are in USA but we live 5-10 minutes from Mexico. I was robbed working at Pizza Hut as a teen. I also had someone try to break into my apartment door about 12 years ago. In the office above us at my old job the owners were robbed and his wife and adult daughter were tied up and assaulted. I knew a pastor that was a pepping Tom in a nice neighborhood, talking 1millon dollar homes, he could have definitely afford a knife like that. Better safe than sorry. Do what you have to do to protect yourself.

Iโ€™d be extremely worried about finding it where you did. Ring the cops

That was one boojie burglar.

Someone thought โ€œIโ€™m gonna kill youโ€ but instead gifted you. Small W

That is a high end pocket knife, consider a security camera OP, one pointed at that window.

I have the same knife, but the longer version
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I agree with buy a camera. But two questions:

1) do you have a landscaping crew that could have left this by accident (not suggesting itโ€™s a landscaping tool, but could have been a daily carry of a worker)

2) if your window is near a meter box it could have been left by a worker there too

Either way, camera.

I work in pest control, we do home maintenance all the time. I leave my knife at more houses per week than I would ever imagine. I wouldnโ€™t be too worried.

Looks like someone tried to Rob you. Or committed another crime and threw it in your yard. Either way get some cameras. And a couple sticks for your doors and windows.

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