Found the Village Idiot

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Deplorean dumpster

The owner of that car is a rapist sympathizer

Edit: damn, all the rape apologists and molesters came out of the woodwork. If you know them, keep your girls away from them

We knew it was an idiot without the sticker even 😂

Seems to be a thing with the buyers of this piece of shit. They love the orange man

Team Chump 

That’s alot of slashed tires

Ugliest AF – truck, ever!

Its sad how many people support fascists nowadays…

It always reminds of a garbage container with a cabin and wheels

The only silver lining I can find to this madness is they somehow got the “electric vehicles are for pussies” crowd to go out and buy electric by the masses thinking they’re “owning the libs”

My Bosch refrigerator looks a helluva lot better than this thing. It even comes with a water dispenser on the door. Can the cybercuck do that?

It’s a Wankerpanzer

Do they know that the headlights are useless in snowy weather. The shelf the lights out on compacts the snow. A genius design 👎🏾. Made by idiots who know Jack shit about cars. On top of his blaring jackassary. Yup made up a word for him.

Two definite indicators that this person has no critical thinking skills

It’s been in that spot for 2 weeks because it can’t connect to its own network

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What a dangerous POS truck.


At least the overpriced chariot!

It used to just be jacked up trucks that let you know which ones had the micro penis…

Tuck Frump

What I don’t get is how a few years back (hell the last decade), these idiots were completely against anything electric. Even something like solar panels was enough to trigger them😒

Quite literally, look up “GOP on electric cars” on any web Browser of your choice.

Most of the articles actually even point directly towards Tesla. You can’t make this shit up. The double speak/think is very real.

That’s one ugly truck.

The problem is that the village idiots have become a small majority.

Cybertrucks are ridiculous and anybody that buys one is ridiculous.

Look. The trumpanzee cage!

Team Trump sticker seems a bit redundant

You don’t need a bumper sticker that says it. Owning one of those things is basically the biggest announcement that you’re a Trump loving idiot that you could make.

Totally Agree 👍

They’re probably coming out of the factory like that now.

I think they like those vehicles b/c their simple brains actually can register that partially-rendered vehicle as a car or truck.

I remember the South Park episode where the boys called Harley Bikers “faggots” for being all loud and annoying. (Then the town got mad and then realized they weren’t being homophobic, hahahah funny episode) ANYWAYS I think of if cyber trucks were around that episode might’ve been made about them

My son recently declared that when he’s older, he would like a Cybertruck. He’s now up for adoption

I have to just shake my head at that thing even being called a truck. That’s like saying trump was a great president 🙄

The village IS America.

Random question, are there any household chemicals that absolutely wreck stainless steel? Asking for a friend.

They probably say they’re voted based on the economy.

Can’t believe we live in a time where we’ll have a confirmed sexual abuser, felon fraudster president. And people are so pumped about it they’ll put a bumper sticker on their partially rendered 2000’s video game car.

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