Found this on aliexpres and thought it’d be funny to post here

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would buy and wear

Give a man a fire and he’s warm for a night.

Set a man on fire and he’s warm for the rest of his life.

I had a stroke trying to read this

Read I what just


Read this in Charlie’s voice.

This written by Charlie Day?

I know everyone is talking about the phrasing, and it’s wonderful. But I can’t get past the shoulders lol. Looks like it was meant to be worn by a poor pose porpoise.

It’s like listening to a 4yr old read.

Yoda gets it

Charlie Kelly?

Felt like my brain BSOD’d reading that shirt.

If your post something on r/funny and it’s genuinely funny people hate it.

Hurts head this my

Man oh. Much love this do I.

Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


Plz can u send me the link?

I need it

My life motto

Perfect fit for the man with no shoulders

oh so this is what gigi murin was reading


I’m sorry but how has no one wondered who this T-shirt would actually fit?! It looks like the “Hamburger Cheeseburger Big Mac Whopper” monster’s fit.

Post it on r/iasip

boNdS is HavinG a sTroNk!

Use AI make thing day. Keep use AI break thing lifetime


someone needs to show this to Gigi Murin

All your fish base are belong to us.

Bames nonds having a stronk

Me trying to repeat an idiom to a coworker, that I heard once on late night tv, because its perfect for the situation.

The responses I give Duolingo then get pissed it’s wrong

Like how is it wrong dude I used every word??

It’s a new trend. Recycle a phrase through Google translate at least 3 times through different languages and then you have a work of art. /s

Glad to see that news reporter who had that mini stroke on air is still getting work.

What I think I wrote in exam vs what my handwriting says that I have written

I’m still thinking about it

Man non native when, write this like then

Forgot my English i did

Jedi s#!T IS GOING on

A multi threaded piece of software trying to write a single sentence.

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