Found this ring in my garden. Someone must have had a very bad day 30 years ago

By Waver5
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Keep it secret. Keep it safe.


Expose it to some flame, it should be quite cool and an unknown language should appear.

Waiting for the LOTR comments

I SEE YOU 🔥👁️🔥

I guess we no longer keep it secret or safe… worst hobbit everr

Why 30 years ago?

Do you know who the former home owners are and how to contact them? The county property records will give you the name. I would try to locate them and find out if they lost this ring. If they did, I am sure they would be thrilled to get it back.

“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge.”

Mr.Frodo, nooooo!!!


My precious! Tricksy hobbitses takes it from us!

Maybe, maybe not.

My father died young, and my mother wore his wedding ring on her finger for years afterwards. It was a bit large for her and from time to time she considered having it resized or moving it to a chain round her neck, but I think the mental shift from “I’ll just pop it on my finger” to “I’m adapting his ring into my jewelry” was too much.

Eventually the ring fell off her finger whilst gardening and it got trampled into the ground. She looked for it, but couldn’t find it.

We know precisely where it was lost and I own a decent metal detector which would likely find it. But when I’ve offered to look, my mother has always made excuses not to: she is clearly resolved to let it be. I think she wanted to stop wearing it, but felt that after so long she needed permission to take it off. For it to slip off and remain in the garden of the house where they raised their family together seems like a fitting final destination for it, and finding it would just mean having to decide what to do with it.

Now I have my own home where I’m raising my own family. If I died, I can honestly think of no better place for my ring than the earth there.

Resist the voice



Only thing to do is hang it as a necklace

Great, does this mean Sauron is back?


Has it started whispering to you in dark foul voices?

Don’t tell Gollum…


Cast It Into the Fire! Destroy It!


Who lived in yours place before and how long did they live there

Does it have a purity stamp on the inside? It almost looks to be brass based on the tone/reflectivity, but could just be dirty/camera settings.

Cast it into the fire. DESTROY IT!

PUT IT BACK we don’t need anything else to stir up shit in 2025




Put in fire and see if a form of elvish appears. If no, you’re good. If so, destroy it.


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