France being BASED for destroying a swasticar dealership outlet

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Gee, I would hate to see Americans protesting like the French. It sure would be bad if something like that starts happening in the USA, right?


As much as Americans like to make fun of the French with how they fight in a “war”, the people of France sure seem to really know how to fight, unlike Americans.


The French know how to burn things they don’t like.

Those are probably insured? If they are then doesn’t this mean payout for the company?

It probably another one of those self immolations that Teslas are known for.

Oh no. This is bad, and other people should totally not do the same as that would be very very naughty. Poor Elon.

Vive La France.


Damn, French ppl really knows how to make a protest impactful.
If only Americant’s had half the courage…

“Liberté, égalité, fraternité”

France is the goat when it comes to protest

The French do not fuck around, and give negative fucks.


Wait and see what they do to kings

whos to say these things didnt just spontaneously combust

Say what you want. The french people know how to revolt.

Americans always make fun of the French, calling them cowardly, but French protests are on a different level. Americans can learn a thing or two.

They need to bring out the G.

Hopefully it’s a type of town that can’t see shit

If only modern Americans had balls like this

The French enjoy excellent cuisine and the finer things… And the people sure know how to protest when you try to F**k with their way of life.
Viva la France

Normal: Teslas burn out often.

Weirdly enough I think they get more money from the insurance than they would do selling them right now since no one is buying Tesla anymore.

Is this like border line terrorism? or an authorized prostest? I mean it’s still private property. Aside from the “Booo Naziss” enthusiasm. This is a bit worrisome.

So now instead of having cars on the lot they can’t sell they get a payout from an insurance company while the government pays to put out the fire which releases God knows what into the atmosphere? I get the desire, but I am not sure it actually hurts Tesla. Just don’t buy from Tesla.

In modern internet slang, “based” signifies someone who is unapologetically themselves, not caring about societal expectations or criticisms, and often used in a positive way to acknowledge someone’s authenticity and confidence.

Whoever did this should be imprisoned as well. I’m all for expression and protests, but this is too far if real.

No, just don’t buy it and let them sit there forever, now Tesla can claim insurance.

Come on America, get your French fries on

Be more fecking French America!

This sub is disgusting

Idiots everywhere

Arson isn’t based. Let’s not encourage violent acts…

I don’t agree with Musk and Trump but two wrongs does not make a right.
This is disgusting behavior and is not gonna help anything or anyone.

Problem with that is insurance rates will just go up. Don’t buy them.

Probably burnt down by the same people who are kicking and screaming about climate change? What a waste of precious minerals and unnecessary emissions and release of toxic fumes into our precious atmosphere. You sure showed them.

France leading ✊🇫🇷

You know…. Ummm….. batteries are easy to catch up.

They maybe get more money than they would for not selling from insurance?

Of the car companies that are run by nazis Tesla is not up there. As someone whose family went through the camps, Volkswagen, bmw, Mercedes or pretty much any old German car company is infinitely worse than a guy who does some stuff you politically disagree with. As a side note can you stop using the word nazi to describe everyone you don’t like. It strips the word of all meaning.

This probably helps Emon more than hurts. He probably wasn’t going to sell the cars, but now he can collect insurance money

I’d do this but I can’t go to prison

To be fair, this damages the environment hugely, especially to the neighborhood.


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