Frank Lucas, the drug lord who ruled Harlem in the 1970s, wearing his infamous $100K chinchilla coat

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Fuck me that’s a lot of chinchillas.

Watch American Gangster if you want to learn how to clean (and how not to clean) an Alpaca rug

This put him on the radar because feds saw an unknown guy in a very expensive coat

Diddy’s dad worked for him.

When you clean a chinchilla coat, do you have to blot it like an alpaca rug?

Worst outfit choice of his life.

Cool cool cool…now tell me something about mustache man please


I’m more interested in the monopoly dude with the mustache and cigar next to him

Chinchillas are small 🙁




But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!

“American Gangster” is the name of the movie based on this guy btw. Denzel Washington and the rest of the cast do a great job.

Must have been some unit of a chinchilla to turn it into a coat. Can see why it was $100,000.

Kramer vibes.

Think of the hundreds of chinchillas died in horrible ways in order to make this poser happy.

Do you really think he paid full price for that coat ?

You mean “his ridiculously extravagant coat that obviously lets the authorities know he’s doing something illegal.”

When did Danny Devito grow that cool mustache?

That’s why I advise any drug lords I’ve met to pay their taxes.

Great movie!!

Such an ugly coat though.

And you are telling me that dude with the mustache isn’t the real villain?


The real chinchillas

That’s an ugly ass coat ;(

It’s strange how Lucas became a legend after all of the heroin he put on the streets and the untold number of lives that he helped ruin.

They called him Low-Key Lucas

Dang I thought that was Jay Z

And hat

was he the inspiration for Bones with Snoop Dogg?

How much just for the hat?


Im more impressed with the dude on the rights moustache.

What is this? A coat for chinchillas?

Those poor chinchillas had to die so he could look that stupid

It’s sad to think how many Chinchillas had to die to make such a shit coat.


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