Free Luigi

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He will be able to sit at any table

I’m wondering how they’ll get a jury of 12 to convict him. Personally, no matter what the prosecutor showed me there wouldn’t be enough evidence to convict him 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m sure the Republicans we just elected will make sure the “CEO prison” is really a Grand Cayman resort with all the guards dressed as staff.

God Andy Richter is the best

The guy’s first action, even before hiring an attorney, should be to announce he’s planning on running for public office as a Republican. All charges might be dropped then.

Never too soon. Brilliant.

Dude is going to get a round of applause walking in.

The Italians will take of our boy. 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻

The person who may kill him”if ever a possibility” in prison will likely die a worse death then he does. Given many of them are in there for debt accrued by health problems, and lead them to a life of crime.

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They’re called “guards” and they just hang you in your sleep.

He’s gonna run the jail! Putting $$ on everyone’s books. Luigi will escape soon I’m sure of it

Like if your gonna break the law and go to jail, follow Luigi’s example

He will be welcomed

So where do I find the go fund me for his defense

A part of me is scared for him because prison because money makes people do things…

Another part of me is hoping it’ll be like that scene from spiderman 2 “careful he’s a hero”

He will be a celebrity in prison.

State prison, not federal

Dont you get free health care in prison?

They did off Jeffrey Epstein, so don’t be so sure.

Swedish German Andy Richter?

Can you imagine? His books are going to be full, he’s going to be treated as prince.

The gaurds? That was just a given, nor even personal

He’s going to be unalived in the next 20 days probably. They did it to Epstein, this guy’s in trouble.

I would donate to his gofundme for a good lawyer.

Bro will be revered in prison, considering damn near all of the prison population are poor/homeless people that have almost assuredly been abused by the American healthcare system.

Joe Biden could pull the most funny thing now

I don’t think he has to worry about CEOs beating him up, now those corporations that are people, they might be go after him. Oh, never mind, my bad, corporations are people except when they break the law.

They’re called the guards

He only has to worry about that if he gets sent to Club Fed prison and not (Office Space reference) prison.


A jury of his peers. 12 billionaires sitting in the jury box. Irony of the justice system.

He’ll be a prison god!

i mean billionaries can just pay anyone to shiv him

He’s there to take out Diddy 🤫

Naaah no one would be able to beat him

I came across a an excerpt from I believe cornell university that stated that even if jurors know a person is guilty they do not have to convict if there is a societal stance or political stance in relationship to the crime commited. I can not find the article.

***Jury Annulment***

Can we do a lobbyist next?

This was a great chuckle

He’ll get busted out and made a hitter for crime syndicates.

While I get this is a joke I feel like if the other Billionaires wanted to kill him in jail it would be pretty easy for them to pay someone off to have it happen

wait wait wait… who owns the prisons ?

He single-handedly made revolutionary consciousness cool to the masses.

I’m interested to see how they’re going to try to spin the narrative on this and handle him.

If he starts writing some Soledad Brother George Jackson stuff like

– “I’ve been patient, but where I’m concerned patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s cowardice.”

– “Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are already dying who could be saved, that generations more will live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act. Do what must be done, discover your humanity and your love in revolution.”

and it goes viral they have a real problem on their hands.

They won’t be able to dirty his name, turn sentiment against him, or use any of the usual strategies.

Jokes on you! There are no CEOs in prison!

Luigi didn’t do anything heroic. He’s a murderer.

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