Free speech

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I’d like to see which “rules” they purportedly violated. Should be good for a laugh.

I don’t think there’s ever been a bigger fraud than Elon Musk.

I might know of a way Elon CAN’T stifle their message…


But what happened to restoring free speech to Twitter?

Elon Musk is a paid asset of Russia with active American military contracts.

No one seems to care.

I guess he’s doubling down now that hunting CEOs is a thing. 

I think Elon needs to invest in the health insurance market.

Everyone needs to leave that shit app already. If you play in a cesspool, you’re going to catch some weird diseases.

Their rules are to do what Putin tells them to do.

Fuck musk


Fuck X.

Fuck Musk. What a POS. I hope everything he has goes down in a burning ball of flames.

I also like mentioning that cis is a slur on X but you can drop the N bomb all day.

Losing your account on Twitter is a victory for Ukraine. Bluesky is better.

Everyone who still has a twitter account needs to delete it. It needs to die.

Blows my mind that anyone still uses that absolute shit platform. Quit supporting him and delete it!

just elon being a centrist, doing centrist things, on a centrist platform

X is a garbage propaganda platform and any business still using them will not get my business. Personally, I’m stocked up on essentials and ready to see this through.

European Union should dismantle Twitter by force, since USA won’t

At the request of Putin no doubt

They’re welcome on BlueSky.

The Russian asset is simply carrying out their duties

I think it’s worth noting this wasn’t an official account. Do I think it’s shitty that they were suspended? Absolutely. However, their official account is active and has a grey checkmark.

If I were them, I’d stop using Starlink ASAP.

The fact the our government uses it to is dumb af.

Can Elon be a traitor if he’s not a legal resident?

Come on over to bluesky, the waters warm

This will just accelerate the exodus from the former bird site

Musk = Putins bitch

I’m sure they’re already on bsky anyway and who cares about xitter.

Let xitter rot.

What I don’t understand is how Musk went from endorsing Hillary in 2016 to ::waves arms wildly:: this. Maybe those brain worms really are more common than we thought… I mean, Musk did live in South Africa for almost his entire childhood and the human tapeworm is more common there and I doubt he has the best of hygiene. Dude looks like an ‘I just peed, no need to wash” kinda guy.

We can all just go to bluesky and read it there.

Odd how the Russians say Ukraine is Nazi but the Ukrainians are not allowed on the Nazi app and the Russians are.

I mean are we surprised? Elons had many a meeting with Putin the past couple of months.

Anyone sane is leaving that place anyways. Off to BlueSky.

The best way to limit information is to *limit* **information**.

Does anyone else need more evidence that Musk is a compromised Russian stooge?

X is hastening its demise.

They are making themselves irrelevant by suspending official accounts.

People are flocking to Bluesky and I’m sure Ukrainian armed forces will too if they haven’t already.

I’ve never had Twitter but I’ve got half a mind to make a Bluesky account to help their numbers against the Muskrat.

What a complete, total, thorough, absolute fuckin shit bag.

Do the Taliban still have their official account?


Rogans another one. Rejects an interview with Zelenskyy.

Elonia trump at it again

Meanwhile if you say the n word or the f word (not fuck) you get promoted by the algorithm.

Why are ppl still there? There’s an alternative🤷‍♂️

I really hope the immigration bounty hunters , catch Elon running .

Apparently this is the real account and that was a fake account …
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Rule Broken: Didn’t take bribe from russia to end war and succeed all land to Russia. Neither did they bribe Trump.

One more reason for the exodus to continue. 

If you ever needed proof which side he’s on and who really owns him. Not Uncle Sam

Didn’t that dumb fuck in the belly brigade for this joke administration coming in supply Ukraine with Starlink???

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