Free speech champion! How far are we from straight out censorship?

By abdask
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Elon: I am a free speech absolutist.
Community notes: *constantly rips every bullshitter to pieces*
Elon: I will abolish community notes, in the name of free speech!

He plans to “fix” community notes like people “fix” their dogs. He’s going to neuter it, or pull a Kristi Noem and just take it to the gravel pit.

Well if Community Notes gets kneecapped, you may as well LEAVE TWITTER

Like when he lied about a hospital in Birmingham UK being overrun with immigrants and people immediately pointed out the pic he shared…

…was a still from a batman film.

Lying sack of shit.

Fix done: only Trump and Elon have access to edit community notes now

Isn’t that imbecile the “government”

Community notes is the only good thing left in that cesspool.

What an idiot

Snopes became a far left propaganda machine in 2015 because every stupid effin’ thing MAGA believed kept being debunked. Since self-reflection isn’t in their tool belt, the obvious reason was Left Wing Bias.

Weren’t few of his websites hacked recently?

At least the fat orange man will be dead in the near future. He’s a walking pulmonary embolism. Elon? I hope he drifts into obscurity, screaming for attention the whole way after Trump is gone.

this nitwit spent 44 billion dollars on what will soon be an also-ran to Truth fucking Social.

You get restricted for “inauthentic behavior” if you mention anything negative about Elmo. Happened to me recently.

It’s my bat and my ball. If I can’t win, you can’t play. – Elmo running to his mum, bless.

Guy is Dogshit

I’m gonna ask again cause I’ve deleted my Twitter wire people still on there like at all at this point like there are plenty of other options. Why would you hover around in that place and give him whatever he needs?

We should start a GoFundMe bounty

Where’s Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson to scream about free speech?????

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Sie sind alle Nazis. Марионетки российского диктатора. Gemanipuleer deur ‘n incel-oligarg. deur ‘n incel-oligarch.

Zuck just eliminated fact checkers on Meta in favor of community notes model. Maybe this will cause him to reverse course?

Why is anyone who isn’t a MAGA asshole even still on that platform?

It’s “starting” to be ridiculous, he is the government.

Delete your x account. Sell your Tesla.

Man in charge of huge swathes of the government blames the government, and is in control of a huge part of the media blames the media.

He should look into that.

Musk’s Latest AI: Most of what this dude posts is BS.

This guy is the premier sample that follows the rule “from hero to zero” , simply by wenting to politics.

This all started with that God-awful phrase “Alternative facts”.

That was my personal moment of realizing how fucked we are.

It will always appear less demanding for the alt right to attack the interlocutor than to engage in dialogue. Mental gymnastics, it turns out, will eventually give you back brain pain.

“Gamed” as if they’d be used incorrectly. But they are used as they should, pointing out sources.

Get off Twitter.

When are we going to just call him and his supporters what they are, nazis. Not just online, but at work and the gym. Legacy media? That’s a serious nazi term. Any media that they don’t like is lies. They spread misinformation and hate.

These people are dangerous as shit and are going to hurt us soon. We need to do something.

here it goes his ‘freedom of speech’

Say whatever, Leon 😴


Soon, they will fix you.

Bless you, Alex Cole! I hope you know that you make than sub several times a week for your social media slaps

Elon is one big community note…. unfortunately that community are apartheid loving dicks but still a community

🤣🤣🤣 even his own programs don’t like him

He controls both the government and this media platform… so who exactly is he blaming for misuse of the Notes?

He already has… He has banned people who say things he doesn’t like

The longer we keep ignoring this is Orwellian level already

Isn’t he in the government, now? Or friend with the government?

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