Freedom of speech for me, and not for thee.

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It’s funny when a man who is ethnically German was pretending to be Italian then crying for his racism not being tolerated while still being insanely wealthy. Poor widdle Johnny.

Got fired from his own company. What a loser.

He’s still mad that Shaq took his job

Fuck this guy and fuck Donald Trump.

Free speech as long as you don’t exercise the first amendment, or say Gulf of Mexico.

White millionaire oppression + that whole thing happened under Trump’s first term 

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“freedom of speech” aka the ability to engage in anti-black racism

Look up the third paragraph of his Wikipedia page to know what freedom of speech he wanted back

Racism is crazy cause all dude literally had to do was just not say stupid shit and he could’ve been as fucked up as he wanted in private lmao. Literally just throwing slurs out unprovoked

Your Freedom of Speech never left, you absolute moron.

Snowflakes, every single one of them.

Could Trump maybe give this guy a better recipe for pizza too? You couldn’t pay me to eat that shit.

Maybe he needs to actually *use* better ingredients?

This always makes me so angry. He could say it the whole time. In fact he did say it. And he’s still in business. He’s maybe not as rich as he thinks he should be, but he’s far from poor.

Remember when he claimed athletes kneeling during the anthem was the reason Papa John’s sales were down, and Domino’s and even DiGiorno were like “Well actually…”

They haven’t been the same since, which is a shame because PJ had the best chain pizza at one point. Now it’s bland as hell.

I know a guy who burned down this man’s yard. Thank you for reminding me to buy him lunch soon

Watch him get canceled again.


Can’t wait to have my order arrive 3 hours late after the app and website told me it didn’t register then to spend hours on the phone with customer service, eventually told I’d be refunded my money which I never was. Fuck them.

Saying DEI was just a stopgap, ya’ll know they want to drop the N with the hard R

He finally got the “freedom” to call someone else DADDY

Who still cares what this sweaty mf cares about

Can someone please tell me where did his freedom of speech go that it would just now be coming back.

That’s making it great again. 💯

Then he’s really pissed about the “take it down” act that’s coming. Right? RIGHT???

That hard R is gonna hit like crack for him

Does Papa John’s still exist?

Greaseball ass dude

Overpriced, nasty ass pizza spot.

Damn I just thought I saw this guy listed as a good guy who paid Rosa Park’s rent. Did I get that one all screwed up?

Wow. I didn’t realize, but now Papa John’s has one less costumer for life (and I assume many others less as well)

He’s eaten 40 pizzas in 30 days

Someone “took away” his free speech and the guy shredding A1 is giving it back!
As long as you use it to praise everything Trump does, you’re good. Moron. SMH

Shitty pizzas by a shitty owner….

Cool bro. Little Ceasar’s is still better pizza.

My Trumper b.i.l. is utterly ignorant of the goings on in the world and yet embraces the most stupid tripe that has no basis in reality. Like he’s Rip Van Winkle. That’s when I discovered he gets all his info from FoxNews, NewsMax and Epoch Times. The man has North Koreaed himself.

twisted tea sales are gonna skyrocket, iykyk


for those uninitiated [](

Real ingredients… realer ni-


He’s not getting that helicopter back, though.

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