French nuclear attack submarine surfaces at Halifax, Nova Scotia, after Trump threatens to annex Canada (March 10)

By tajsta
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Chad move france

Thank you France

I’m happy to see the free world unite against oppressors and dictators.

I welcome our new French rulers.

Don’t know if this happens a lot and this is just now relevant, but it seems like quite a Statement, cool

The best nuclear are launched from a nuclear submarine.

Is there anyone with more insights who can share whether this is a normal appearance or whether it’s out of the ordinary? If so, why?

Bonjour 👋🏻

Free Europe needs more nuclear subs

I love Macron’s subtleness. Buddy buddy with Trump for political stability, but still standing strong in his face when needed.

“We can dance, or we can dance. Up to you big guy”.

Source is the FB page of the Halifax Harbour and the submarine is the FS Tourville (S637).

French vs English 2: American Boogaloo

Now That’s an pro-Nato statement!

As part of their nuclear submarines they have one called “Le Terrible” (The Terrible) that pic is dope asf

We have Canadian resting places in the Netherlands because they helped us in the WW2, I hope that if the US attacks Canada that we Dutch people will rise up to help the Canadians.

Parcours au sirop d’érable

Holy shit fucking MAGA zombies is turning a 200 year ally into an enemy. HOLY SHIT.

Of all European leaders Macron has the biggest spine. 

Let’s ship all our steel and aluminum to Europe and build more of those 🇪🇺

As a Haligonian:

Merci, s’il vous plaît restez ici un moment

[France already own territory in Atlantic Canada]( Maybe they’re just looking to repatriate the sections they lost in 1753?

“Annex canada”, we truly are approaching Fallout territory

Ready to protect French heritage in Canada

DeGaulle never thought their deterrence would be aimed at the U.S.

Getting REAL in the whole foods parking lot.

I’m saying this for the first time ever: based France

Thank you France. We love you.

F*ck Tr*mp. Love from Minnesota

Just a standard Poutine run garcons. Nothing to see here.

Thank you France 💙

I know the name is confiusing but this submarine does not carry nuclear weapons, it is an attack submarine: [](

This is the weirdest timeline.

never been more glad to hear “the French are coming”

im anexing Canada! (Donald)



I would choose to be part of France over the US any day

The good thing is that they can’t point France on a map, so the counter-nuke would fall on a random unlucky country

Embarrassed American here! Thank you France! Thank you Canada for standing up to our mentally challenged bully.



Canada should bite the bullet and procure a few Suffren class for our submarine program. True nuclear under ice capability is critical to Canada, and the French design can use LEU which simplifies the fuel chain greatly (at the expense of more frequent refueling)

Like a shark coming to surface.

The French know what it’s like to be invaded by fascists and to be mocked by America. The ingratitude that has been shown a nation that facilitated the defeat of Britain in the American War of Independence, gifted the Statue of Liberty, and supported America in their 1st Gulf War is utterly despicable.

Any US Generals want to stage a Coup, nows a good time

That’s a pretty _Barracuda_, Suffren Class

No nukes on board tho, but really cosy for a submarine
(Source : I went in)

My timbers are severely shivered

Looks to me like a Suffren class submarine, although I’m no expert. So no ballistic missile submarine. Nevertheless a cool move from France.

France being true friends to Canada 🇨🇦

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