From the most recent Dev Talk. This is truly devastating news

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Don’t sent me BACK PLEASE I just got to GM 30 mins ago

Half season? Bro I finally had time to play and got to plat you gonna send me back again??

Please stop

I don’t want to be dropped back to lobbies without bans all because I haven’t had time to grind the game for the last 2 weeks

This game should seriously do placements. This system is the thing I currently least like.

Yeah, this is kind of ridiculous. Like, I just haven’t had as much time to put into the game this season so far and now I’m gonna be knocked down again already? This the kind of thing that just kills my vibe for the game.

End of season drop is fine, BUT A HALF SEASON DROP. Why????

I have not seen a single person happy about this.. How did they think this was smart? I get trying to keep people playing and grinding but going too far like this can just totally kill everyone’s motivation to climb.

Bro i just want to make it to gold for the skin

im confused, don’t they want people to play comp?

I refuse to believe anyone above the age of 20 is OK with this change

if you dont play for 2 months you will drop from GM to Gold.

This really might make people stop playing. The reset at the start of the season was brutal enough, now we are losing 10 ranks in total? I don’t have time for this.

This is very dumb lmao

Have like 2 hours per day after work to try to rank up to GM, now I’ve suddenly got 10 days notice to try to grind through Diamond hell… great

The question is if we’re going to get another gold skin for the 2nd half of the season

Huge L for people who didn’t even reach gold. 

the game as a whole is really just employed vs. unemployed mfs

And just like that i just lost all interest in playing.

Can’t say I’m a fan of this. It feels like pushing a boulder up a hill only for NetEase to roll it back down again.

bruuhh whatt???? I just got to Diamond 2 🙁

wait so correct me if i’m wrong here but, if i dont have time to play ranked at all during the first half of a season, i would drop down 10 divisions ?

Thank god I just reached grandmaster I would’ve been pissed if I didn’t get my badge

This system is so objectively bad. The system they are looking for already exists, it’s called placement matches.

It also really makes it hard not to believe the matchmaking for ranked is rigged/gamed in a way to prevent quick climbing or to enable extreme fluctuations to keep you playing.

For a game that has been mostly perfect, and many love, they have a major budding problem on their hands. I hope they fix it before too long.

Literally nobody asked for this

Literally I guess comp isn’t for employed people anymore. Silly silly decision.

If anything surely they should ONLY do a rank drop in mid-season. Because people are gonna play early season to get the cool new stuff. But might drop off mid-season like most shooters.

Doing it for both just feels so punishing tho.

Side note, a friend of mine assumed he had the whole season to earn that gold invis woman skin and now he needs to grind like crazy for 10 days to get out of bronze. Feels very misleading

This is why I hate the live service model. Because most of them want you to eat, sleep and breathe the game indefinitely.

Making sure to cap your progression so you can’t just blow through the passes, and recents you by a whopping 6 ranks every half season so you can’t sit in a rank you earned for long either or you’re be demoted to silver or gold hell again.

Now you know why you get more comp points than you loose. Because you’ll loose them anyway every 6-7 weeks. 

This is gonna kill this game



Wtf. Screw that. Im not grinding that often. Im out.

Yeah I’ve already stopped playing ranked and have barely touched the game over the past week. This makes me want to play it less. Excited for new heroes though

Not me thinking I was chillin and going to be able to hit where I wanted to by end of season so I was doing other shit, just to know I’m gonna get shoved back to silver from Plat again real soon xd

I spend a fucking month to get back to gm 2, and now I will go back to fckng diamond AGAIN?! Please say it was a joke

I might actually just drop the game from this lol.

Sure, climbing back up is easy enough but it defeats the entire purpose for me. The whole point of suffering through lobbies of lobotomized teammates, sweat toxicity, and aneurism induced loss streaks is to see your pearly rank emblem at the end of the day knowing you got through that all and climbed. Only to have it ripped away and told “now do it all again” seems like a cheap engagement farm to keep the player nonstop grinding with the self imposed idea of “I’m better than this”

I’ll probably keep playing for new character drops and with friends occasionally but my nightly rank grind ritual after work will definitely be over for me. Time for me to finally try kingdom come deliverance 1.

Bro what

I just hit celestial and want to take a break and play slowly towards Eternity. I thought I’d have another two months, this is ridiculous. Seasonal rank resets are fine when the seasons are like 3 months but any more frequent than that and only people who are playing exclusively this game will be grinding ranked.

As people start to play less since the game isn’t brand new, this will just lead to more good players in lower ranks where they don’t belong and fuck it up for everyone.

I like to grind ranked when a new game I like releases but I play lots of games so naturally I’m not playing nearly as often after the initial season of grinding. I was hoping to take the rest of season 1 to just slowly play in Celestial and see how far I can get, because I don’t have the energy or time to play hours a day anymore. Having two months though, I figured I could play like two games a day and just enjoy it rather than stressing. But oh well.

Guess I’m done with rivals ranked. This is a massive massive misstep.

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