From Trade War to Real War

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Except, Canada is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. So basically Trump is going to war with the British

War of 1812, part deux

Canada doesn’t need to “afford tariffs”. Tariffs are paid by US businesses importing goods , not foreign countries. The cost is passed onto US consumers

A blue state. Think of the electoral votes!

Add: 47 US representatives. 49 electoral votes.

More evidence that Trump doesn’t understand how tariffs work.

It’s like trying to have a conversation with a third grader

Wait hang on. I need to check something.

Yep, we’re actually in the Fallout timeline. Fuck.

Don’t do this to us, we can’t tell what’s real any more. Remember he wanted to trade Puerto Rico straight up for Greenland, so would he say that, joking or not, to Trudeau?

I don’t see why not.

I can’t possibly be the only one who hopes the grim reaper does his job before January 20th.

Well, guess I’m fighting for the Canadians

Yeah, that never happened. Oh, and Donnie? Canada isn’t paying the tariffs, the IMPORTING companies are.

Trying to annex our allied neighbors is totally a normal thing that happens all the time, right? Right??

Trump thinks he is the owner/CEO of the USA, not a servant of the people. I am serious, that’s his mindset.

Enjoy the war without water / electricity / oil / wood etc..

Aw yes coming from the guy that lives in Malaysia

I mean… it’s not that Canada can’t… it’s just that this is not how tariffs work, and it’ll be paid by the US…

🤦🏽‍♀️Canada is not paying the tariff.

Good luck with that, eh buddy?

We not only have a rapist convicted felon as president, he is also one of the DUMBEST human beings in this god forsaken planet, we are so fuck.

Man, I sure hope an Allied Coalition would take care of a dictator at the helm of the U.S. the same way U.S.-led Allied Coalitions used to take care of dictators at the helm of other countries…

So…we’re just speed running Fallout? Is that what’s happening here?? Jfc.

Yeah try that pal. We Brits burnt down your White House last time you tried that shit and you still never won as you begged for peace.

Canada doesn’t pay the tarrifs, the consumer does

This lunatic got millions of votes. Millions of people honestly thought this guy was the best choice.

Those people need studied.

I feel like that’s almost an invitation for Trudeau to respond “No, sounds like there might be a few more provinces in Canada. 🇨🇦 “

We dont pay the tariffs, the US importers does.

Alberta is maple Texas. We can’t afford to fuck with them

…further showing that he has no fucking clue how tariffs work…

That dumb f$ck just repeats whatever shit he hears these right-wing nuts say. I’ve been hearing this tough guy,cowboy bullshit for the last 40 yrs. in the midwest.

Canada doesnt pay the tarrif!

Fuck, Americans are dumb.

Wouldn’t attacking a NATO nation result in article 5 necessitating all of NATO counterattack the aggressor?

Right after he buys Greenland I guess

He will probably say the same stupid thing to Mexico.

To all you GOP congressional members, he’s all yours now. Enjoy.

Trump is such a pathetic toddler.

i will never fucking get over the fact that people actually voted for this dumb piece of shit i will never fucking get over the fact that people actually voted for this dumb piece of shit i will never fucking get over the fact that people actually voted for this dumb piece of shit i will never fucking get over the fact that people actually voted for this dumb piece of shit i will never fucking get over the fact that people actually voted for this dumb piece of shit i will never fucking get over the fact that people actually voted for this dumb piece of shit i will never fucking get over the fact that people actually voted for this dumb piece of shit

didn’t we try to take over Canada a couple centuries ago? if i remember…. it didn’t go well


So this is vile bullshit. As a canuck I worried for you all down there but fuck it I kind of hope you all burn at least then this vile bullshit might stop being spread.

You had so many warnings, chances and moments to change but nope the rot still exists and the bullshit is overflowing into the world. So fuck it you can all rot in your own filth and with luck that vile cesspool of media will implode along with the rest.

…wasn’t there an episode of South Park with this theme?…🤔

The problem is that given what Trump has said, no one doubts he would say something so dumb. But without a source I have trouble believing it lol

Saddle up eh! Time to burn another White House down.

What the hell does he mean if we can’t afford the tariffs. It ain’t us who pays them if they are instituted. If we imposed some in turn then yea that’s a whole lotta pain but Canada will look to Europe for greater trade or Oceania and Mexico.

America is our belligerent big brother. Deal with it cause we must, neither proud of it or dismayed, and always eager to leave family dinners with it

Musk told him about Fallout and now they’re trying to make it actually happen

He’s so mind-numbingly stupid. If it rained, the secret service are going to need to be sure he doesn’t look up or he’ll drown. Jesus fucking christ why did those dumb fucks vote him in. 

At this point, if Canada decided to “invade” or “annex” the US, most of us are going to be like “about damn time” and start learning French on Duolingo

I dislike the idea of supporting our enemies and fighting our allies.

Every day Im just more and more embarrassed to be an american.

Such obvious rage bait I’m embarrassed to be commenting.

Ask any Canadian if we think this is a good idea, and you’ll see us drop the gloves

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