Fuck Around Find Out

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Translation : I’m such a dick, even my neighbors have to deal with the fallout.

Oh, no. The consequences of my actions.

Oh no, the white supremist neo-nazi feels unsafe, whatever shall we do?

Make white supremacists afraid again.

It would be funny of someone DOXXed him again

“24 hour security” is a really weird way to spell “mommy”.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

This eunuch spews hate, bigotry, and racism on the daily, and now expects sympathy?

I hope he lives the life he deserves. 

“I can handle whatever comes to my front door, that’s why I will have to contract 24 hour security to protect myself.”

Is he gonna hire security to protect his neighbors with young families too? Or did they stop being his primary concern between sentences?

His body, our choice.

Dude doesn’t understand why he can’t just threaten all women with rape and forced pregnancy and live in peace.

“Uproot my life and relocate”. You see this sentiment a lot when it comes to woman needing an abortion in a red state. He can just pick up and move somewhere with more like minded people and laws. It’s that easy right…?

“I can handle whatever comes to my front door”, says the guy who almost pissed his pants because two normal (non-criminal, non-fighter, non-badass) women showed up to his door and he was literally shaking while talking to a Hispanic-looking cop, saying “I’m Mexican, not a white supremacist” begging for his protection 😆😆😆😆

Bro makes his entire source of income and personality “I am YOUR enemy, I want YOU to suffer” and he gets mad when someone fights back? Pussy.

I love that journey for him

Who’s this guy?

Best part is he will totally be doxxed again

Lmfao, this is good. Really good news.

Dude couldn’t handle whatever came to his front door. Didn’t he mace or pepper spray an older lady who actually lived near by and knocked on his door? 

Bro hating women and now knowing how women move thru the world their whole lives except w/o security.

Make nazis hide again

I like how he’s making it sound like he’s sacrificing on behalf of his neighbors instead of owning that he’s afraid.

“We CaN’t SaY nOtHiNg AnYmOrE”. Yes, you can (still) say anything you want. But there will be consequences. Being a slave to the maga cult doesn’t give you a free pass to act like a totally despicable human being.

Welcome to Fuck Around.

Exit to Find Out is 1 mile

Hoping you kill yourself Nick ❤️
Nobody likes you and you’re a burden to your family and all of society ❤️
The world would really be a better place with you gone.
Nobody would remember you and everybody would celebrate ❤️

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