Fuck Nazis

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A lot of whataboutisms here. Just because we cant be perfect doesnt mean we shouldnt strive to be better.

A step in the right direction is better than no steps at all.

A lot of clowns would rather us never do anything ever apparently.

While you’re trying to virtue signal and get strangers to clap for you, make sure to sell Apple, Nike and pretty much all of the S&P unless you’re in support of child labour in sweatshops.

Sold my all my Amazon and Google stocks also

My Model Y is on the market already. Fuck Elon, and Fuck Nazis.

I wish I had $21,000

Now. Can I borrow about $3.50?

That’s what being AMERICAN means! Fuck Fascism! Fuck Nazis! If I owned a Tesla, I’d sell it too.


OP how much of this is profit?

True patriot.

Good for you. So many people excusing Elon as a weird guy when he has openly admitted to being a far-right winger and is actively supporting a far-right-nazi supporting party in Germany. This was clearly a nazi salute and he doesn’t care because he won

So with Musk openly being a Nazi, can we stop pretending that his robots are anything other than a legion of stormtroopers waiting to do his bidding?


My great-grandfather served in WW2 and punched Nazis in the face. My Nana lost two brothers (my great-uncles) in the European theater.

Thank you. We all have to vote with our money.

Probably not a bad idea to cash out considering that ridiculous P/E ratio regardless of the CEO’s proclivities.

Amen 🙏 

Damn right. Fuck my families investments, fuck growing wealth. Let’s just do this to virtue signal on social media!

I’m surrounded by idiots….


People are so angry for you doing what’s the right thing, lol.

That is a subject I can get behind!

Hey, good on you. The stocks are overvalued anyways. In the next year or so, it’ll collapse. So you really just pulled out early.

This is the way

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You’re driving a Volkswagen?

Sold mine too

congrats….you lost $3 per share based on today’s price, but that’ll show him!


Yesssssss! It’s literally treason to hold tesla stock atm. Just sell that BS. Europe is literally dumping his shit.


Tesla in my opinion if it wasn’t already becoming a Pyramid scheme.
Sales were down. The lots were full in many places as his reputation was clearly having an impact.
The minute he said don’t worry, we’re going to be focusing on AI, I was like red flag.

Dudes always using over confidence to save face.



you should donate some of that money to some human rights groups or something 🙂

Now donate that to starving kids in Africa.

If everyone is a Nazi then no one is a Nazi

That will teach them.

Way to show them!

I just saw somebody publish a list of store you shouldn’t use because they are owned by Republicans…. Slim pickings after that so no, I don’t give a crabs ass who owns the business as long as they 1) can save me money, 2) can make me money.

Well to be honest, Tesla stock value and market cap doesn’t make any sense. There is no reason for Tesla to be worth like 10 times Toyota or Volkswagen, Especially considering the competition from Chinese electric car manufacturer like BYD and that classical car maker are also releasing their own electric car.

So you’ve been smart to take your money while you still could


I sold at $425 an hour ago. You sold low. Why ?

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