Fuck the 21%

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Old and irrelevant poll, 21% of Canadians supported Trump winning over Harris before the election for the US election…

Deport them.

Our education system has let us down by 21%

There’s no way it’s 21% right? 1 in 5!? I sure as shit hope not. 2.1% is too many morons.

That’s why we need to ALL vote, because you know damn well every single one of those 21% will vote.

This is not accurate anymore. It’s like 10%

Pour les Francais. Avant cette semaine il n’avait pas de langue officiel. Ils acceptait des doccuments en pkus que 50 langues.

Maintenant les Français (et autres) sont pas bienvenus aux Etats-Unis. 

We’ve got our stupids too.

I used to say I left Alberta because 10% of them were crazy. Looks like my estimate was low.

They all got real quiet recently

What’s his support now?

Conservatives are bootlickers and Quisling traitors.

Alberta (heartland of the Conservative party) has the most traitors in Canada.

Amazing coincidence…

Create a gulag colony in the arctic archipelago and make them perform slave labour for food and firewood.

I guess there is some support in becoming the 51st state

21%? There’s not a fucking chance

That’s just sickening a lying ,cheating , rapist.

21% traitors and collaborators.

Let me guess, mostly not very bright men with racist tendencies.

21% ? I thought it was less than 15% wtf.. ?

Unfortunately some of them are my family members.

I really hope that poll is old. 🤞

The whole premise of this is disinformation.

People see this and make assumptions about what the 21% means, feeding Trump’s (like Putin’s) false narrative that Canadians want to be part of the USA.

Pure propaganda, same with by the 80% fully vaccinated. Convenient numbers

Yeah, that number is inflated based on more recent polls. It should be 0 though.

The same people supporting this still wear masks whele driving alone.

They’re dumb and submissive if they support a rapist that wants to annex their country… super pathetic stuff

Fun Fact: MCGAAAA! is the sound these wingnuts make when you kick ’em right in the bjorkies.

21% yer hole.

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