Fuck this guy. X links are now banned from r/newjersey

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This is how we handle Nazis in NJ

Fuck Nazis, love Jersey.

Did you know there used to be Jewish boxing clubs in New Jersey that would wait around outside German American Bund meetings (and other such Nazi gatherings) just to beat them up?

I love this state and I love this sub


Fuck Nazis

A very pleasant “Elon Musk can eat shit and choke on it” to you and yours.

New Jersey has spoken

Eat shit and die Elon

THANK YOU! My friend informed me that a bill could be passed removing birthright citizenship. If you have been granted citizenship from birth please ensure that you look into this so you don’t lose it!

Good. Fuck him and fuck anyone that still defends this trash

Thank you! Frustrated one of the local major basketball teams subreddit is having pushback from mods on this. 

Next step: ban him from Jersey


Good for you Jersey; I never believed all those awful things NY said about you.

Jersey Stans strong against Nazis. They’re not welcome here.

Thank you mods! I can’t believe this sub took a harder stance than the ADL, who defended him by saying he did an ‘awkward gesture’.

Fuck all that. We know what we saw.


Hell yeah. Watch out for your neighbors and loved ones, people – it’s getting serious out here.

Unrelated to this post, but in case anyone needs this today: https://www.immigrantdefenseproject.org/ice-ruses/

Bluesky smiling at me, nothing but Bluesky from now on!

(And it’s glorious to see these kind of bans taking place across Reddit, even on White People Twitter, where it’s literally IN THE NAME.)

Remember when Nazis would get knocked the fuck out in the street? Think it’s time for a revival

Good. Twitter has been pretty awful for years, and has progressively gotten worse. Now it’s a cesspool, and run by a nazi.

Proud to be from NJ even if I’m not there right now

Nice..bluesky all day

Hopefully the mods are also banning all of the outspoken Nazi sympathizers in here

*Twitter links

fuck Nazis

Think about all of our grandfathers, great grandfathers, uncles, etc, who fought against this.


Fuck you Elon. I hope your end is gruesome and goes viral.


Thank you, mods!!! ❤️

Let’s goooooo

The only good Nazis are dead Nazis.

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