Fuk everything wtf is happening ?

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I’m glad to see that they are taking a stand against androids using our restrooms.

And is there a guard outside empowered to force anyone going in to flash their genitals? Thought not. Complete waste of money making that sign.

You know ,as someone who was a tomboy growing up, and got “you know this is the *girls* bathroom” frequently, I can only imagine how well having trans boys in girls’ bathrooms is going to go over.

Dicks out for bathroom access!!

Let’s just all start dressing in drag in solidarity

Man I’m so glad people voted for this over things like affordable college and Healthcare.

This sign is helping me wayyyy more than those things. Good job conservatives. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

it’s what Ohio stupidly voted for

It’s really weird how much GOP men want to know about trans women’s junk. You’d think they care about other stuff, but this is like 1/2 their platform.

I have an aunt who has to have a colostomy bag. She needs to be standing up when she empties the bag into a toilet. She’s already been harassed by cis women yelling at her that men shouldn’t be using a woman’s bathroom. These laws are going to cause more harm than good.

Its so odd, my home is only equipped with gender neutral bathrooms and we somehow manage to coexist. Imagine a world where we had single use spaces outside the home and could do away with this republican wet dream. Instead of 2 doors that led to spaces that contained three stalls each and a common hand washing station we could just use the same space for 6 individual rooms and you could simply pick the next available spot. We manage at home, we manage everywhere that has portajohns, we could pretty easily manage at our businesses as well. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve hopped into an open women’s restroom at a gas station bc I got sick of being uncomfortable while waiting for Cletus to finish his business in the men’s, I’d be a rich man. This isn’t that complicated.

I can’t tell you how many times as a mom, I’ve just taken my son into whatever bathroom is available. Stalls make this a non issue. I’m more worried about Trump or his cronies hiding in the bathroom, than a Trans person using the facilities.

The vast majority of voting Ohio residents believe that the existence of transgendered human beings is more of a threat to their way of life than their lack of healthcare, inflation, price gouging, income inequality, prescription drug costs, insurance cancellations, global warming (j/k that’s obviously a Soros driven hoax to further some illuminati thing, right?), housing shortage/rent costs, etc.. They will gladly own the libs all the way to their own demise. They will let their commercial overlords continue to gouge them at the grocery store and everywhere else, cancel their home owner’s insurance and price their kids out of home ownership, all while celebrating their “win” over the “libtards” and Sleepy Joe.

I’m sorry but Ohio is just Ohio-ing.

Trump told them to hate the less than 2% of the population that’s trans. All this was for under 2% of the population.

Just to see those puritanical lunatics squirm, I want the most masculine, shredded, bearded, and deep-voiced trans dude to walk out of the ‘biological women’s’ restroom, and chastised for being a man in a woman’s space only for him to respond with, “According to you, I’m where I’m supposed to be. Are you now not ok with that?”

We should cover them with a sign saying “whites only”

Bigotry is bigotry

“Solving” a problem that doesn’t exist. 🤡

I’m a cis woman who refuses to wait in long ass lines for a restroom when the men’s room is free. Never once, in my many years of doing this, has a man stopped me and said, “You can’t go in there.” I’ve had men actually hold the door for me, I’ve had men welcome me in, I’ve never once encountered a man (or group of men) who have said “No women allowed”. and so, I ask why am I allowed in no questions asked? Why are they not worried about me possibly seeing their junk, but terrified that a trans person may see it? I pose just as much threat as anyone else walking into that restroom, and yet no one does anything more than glance my direction for the most part.

It’s just so gross that bigots have decided that a restroom, the most innocuous place ever, has become this hill that bigots are willing to die on.

jesus bro, this is my school like wtf

More and more of these people think more about people’s genitals thames anything else. Why?

How are they going to enforce this? Put a 70 year old man like a Walmart greeter at the door as a dong inspector?

As a trans man who’s been using the men’s bathroom for a decade now these biological men never have a clue i’m in there with them and I won’t be stopping bc a little sign outside the bathroom lol

That biological man has his hands on his hips like a fucking Karen.

It’s like ‘whites only’ without actually saying ‘Whites only’. God I hate this timeline.

When they passed this law, did they define “biological men?”

There are several human genetic variations where the person physically presents (female appearing genitalia) as female but are technically genetically male.

There are several human genetic variations where the person physically presents (male appearing genitalia) as male but are technically genetically female.

Where do they go? In a bucket in the alley?? 😡

I feel like everyone should start cross dressing just to fuck with them.

I would deface that sign so fast……

Should say- Homophobic White Men. No no Homophobic White Man Babies.

Welcome to Ohio. Your tax dollars at work.

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