Fxck this whole timeline dude

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$15k gross, no time off.

Fuck it. Fuck all of it. Fuck it all to death


Remember to act your wage everyone!

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He said it to our faces so that’s new. I’m sure he has a gigantic new security detail as well. 

That’s the smug, satisfied smile of someone who’s never worked a minimum wage job in their life.

So rent is tied to inflation, but compensation isn’t? They despise us.

I’m curious how Republican voters will blame Biden/Obama *when* minimum wage is *lowered* to $5/hr…

They aren’t there to help us. They are there to help themselves at our expense.

That’s a risky thing to say nowadays.

Scott Bessent, huge piece of shit.

Gonna be a fucking *long* four years, and let’s manifest that that’s all it is. Going to be clawing our way back to where we were a decade ago.

Demon phrenology right there!

You can’t live anywhere in the US for $7.25 an hour and pay for normal things like food, electricity, rent, car, or anything for that matter. How did this insanity become normalized?

What he wanted to say:

“No, and i intend in trying to lower it as much as possible.”

I make 4X the minimum wage and am still broke. Fuck this guy

Luigi’s Mansion is a pretty fun game

if you work minim wage and voted trump, you deserve to starve.

It’s like Trump is throwing together his own Legion of Doom. If Lex Luthor or Solomon Grundy are named to a cabinet position, I won’t be a bit surprised

Just pay congress minimum wage.

Also people who hold public positions should have all their finances publicly published for all to see.


When trump was starting his show that he got the “you’re fired” meme: during an interview he said his Canadian father loaned him 1M when he immigrated to NYC and start an empire.

I miss that timeline, can I go back ?

Legitimately curious, does the treasury secretary have any control over the minimum wage? I thought that was determined by congress, but have to admit I don’t know for certain. 🤔

Honestly. Fuck that guy. Fuck Donald F. Trump too. But what does the Treasury secretary have to do with minimum wage? Where is that in his fucking job description?

Mario’s friend in green needs reinforcements and supplies to take out these new boss villains.

They seem to want to F around and see what happens.

Man, fuck these people. How are these fucking idiot republicans voters spinning this?

If Clinton had won in 2016, the federal minimum wage would be $15/hr right now. But corporate whore, amirite.

Luigi…. You know what to do

Just start paying him minimum wage then, if he finds it ok where it is.

Honestly it’s pretty simple. If a potential place of employment is offering the federal minimum wage for a job, or even double that amount, keep fucking looking. They clearly don’t give a shit about you if that’s what they’re offering to pay.

Free Luigi!

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