G Perelman, who refused a million dollar cash prize for solving 1 of the toughest math problems ever

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“*I’m not interested in money or fame, I don’t want to be on display like an animal in a zoo. I’m not a hero of mathematics. I’m not even that successful; that is why I don’t want to have everybody looking at me.*”

Pretty demeaning to him that this pic keeps getting reposted to death.

It was so easy a caveman could do it.

Honestly? Looking at the picture … I believe it. Checks out.

I’m pretty sure it’s very common to refuse these cash prizes in the field of mathematics

Everyone is dunking on him but I’m pretty sure he quit professional mathematics over ethics concerns, like hmm I wonder if he had a reason for… Nah must be stupid.

Lots of shit takes in this thread.

How many times we going to post photos of a guy who has been clear about wanting privacy?

Many people in this thread clearly don’t understand that there exist ALOT of people in this world who are brilliant at what they do – and they don’t do it for money or fame.

There are many million reasons you can do something – sometimes purely just because you enjoy doing it – that’s it.

99% of the top athletes do what they do for a whole different purpose than money or fame. In fact, most detest the fame part and have little to no motivation for money.

I’ve studied Computer Science at Uni but classes were hosted in the Math Uni building.

Math people were weird.

Grigori Perelman is a fascinating figure in the math world. This Russian mathematician gained fame for solving the Poincaré Conjecture, one of the toughest problems in mathematics. But what really sets him apart is his decision to turn down a whopping $1 million prize from the Clay Mathematics Institute. Perelman didn’t just reject the cash; he also turned down the prestigious Fields Medal in 2006, stating he wasn’t interested in fame or money. Instead, he preferred a quiet life, living modestly in St. Petersburg with his mother. His refusal of such accolades has made him a bit of a legend, as he values his work over recognition, showing that passion for math can sometimes outweigh the allure of wealth and fame

Leave the man alone


It’s a fine line

To be fair he’s probably also solved the limited money problem already too, so this means nothing to him?

He did the math .

bro tired of sidequests

one million dollars isn’t going to solve his problems. He’s the only one that can solve his problems. Clearly.

So how does he make a living?

So is he a math addict or a meth addict?


Fairly good short documentary on him out there.

“Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman was born in Leningrad, Soviet Union (now Saint Petersburg, Russia) on June 13, 1966, to Jewish parents.

Russian mathematician and geometer who is known for his contributions to the fields of geometric analysis, Riemannian geometry, and geometric topology.

In 2005, Perelman resigned from his research post in Steklov Institute of Mathematics and in 2006 stated that he had quit professional mathematics, owing to feeling disappointed over the ethical standards in the field.

He lives in seclusion in Saint Petersburg and has declined requests for interviews since 2006.”


He also entered 1,650,000 times into the Frito-Lay sweepstakes and won 32.6% of the prizes, including the car.

Friend who is maths professor. Field is multi dimensional geometry. Lovely bloke but struggles occasionally with everyday things. You can see he’s somewhere else in his head.

As played in the movie by Hugo Weaving.

can i get like $550k for getting somewhat close to the answer

For people to understand how difficult they are, they’re called unsolvable math problems by the math academic community. Some have centuries and yet to find a solution

Someone post the question so we can all try to solve it

Klopek? What is that? Slavik?

What an idiot.

Smart but not smart enough?

That’s gonna be me after cashing in my Grelf tokens on Hbar ✊

I bet it was something to do with the nine times table. I always got stuck around six times and seven times.

Did you know there’s a guy living in our closet?

I don’t think many Americans can identify with being born a Russian Jew from Leningrad. He had his reasons for not wanting to engage with the academic system. Everyone thinking he’s an idiot savant may be underestimating the cultural gap here.

Smart but not wise. What an idiot.

Yea, I’m a bullshitter. Like my beard?

He also wanted to be left alone .. maybe we could respect that

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