gaben answer to his fans :)

By Taykemo
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Gabe said that he at least READS every email. Cool dude.

as my thanks and appreciation toward him, i’m not going to bother him with any emails

If he actually reads those I wonder if anyone ever asked him if he knows about the gay furry porn artist called “JustMeGabeNewell”

Friends of mine met at a comicon cause they were both dressed as TF2 characters. When they got married they jokingly send Gabe an invite. Valve sent them a massive box of TF2 merch including the sound track on vinyl and other physical gifts as a wedding gift

I am going to edit this image to make him say mean things, as a joke.

Guys, see you on Max Payne 3 multiplayer, its so addictive and people still play it.

Thanks Mr. Gaben

May uncle Gaben live long and healthy!

Gabe Newell is a generous God

Imagine getting a *sent love letter to gabe newell* Steam badge

Thats a nice fkin kitty on their pfp

I sent him an email too

My step mother used to break or sell my games (my stuff in general) to punish me and thanks to steam I managed to recover games I thought lost (like the Sands of Time trilogy or Legacy of Kayn soul reaver and defiance)

I bought some of them as a treat for finishing my superior grade and the kid inside of me is just giggling like a, well, kid

Be like Gabe everyone.

I never emailed him before, but I felt compelled to write a little short and sweet one expressing my thanks after HL2’s 20th anniversary doc dropped. He said he reads all his emails, and that’s good enough for me. Can’t expect the man to reply to every single one.

his pfp hard

I once asked him why telling someone to kill them selfs on a steam game is no bannable offense, he never answered.

Leave Gabe alone lol

Gabe is the G.O.A.T.

So majestic.

Does someone know if hes still answering when you write a mail to tell him about your rampage in dota?

The guy is a living legend!

I’m forever torn between wanting to send him an email, and not wanting to, knowing he does try to read them all and must get thousands a day already…

He doesn’t make games anymore.

Let’s talk about his furry profile pic

Odd comma placement.

RIP his inbox now

I wrote an email to the creator of TUNIC Andrew Shouldice* and he emailed me back saying “hope you get that platinum” I’ve spent hours trying to figure out a few puzzles to finish it and still haven’t but I will one day!

Gabe must feel similar to Zezima on Runescape back in the 2000s with their Private Chat turned open to the public.

Portal 2 was released in 2011

Nobody has ever believed this story, but back in like, summer 2000-1, thereabouts, it was before steam, I remember that, I was hanging with my friend and his little brother. We were bored and were looking at Valve’s website and saw a number listed for Gabe on their contacts, so my friends brother called it, and sure enough, Gabe answered.

This is weird lol

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