Gary Sinise serves a Thanksgiving meal to the Tennessee National Guard on Monday

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That’s one way to get people to eat their vegetables.

Lieutenant Dan 🫡🇺🇸

The MAN!!!

Lieutenant dan!

That guy is awesome. I was there and the food was actually amazing and the gift bags were a great addition.

The man is a treasure. Protect him.

This man is a national treasure.

Lieutenant Dan, you’re walking!

If they served chicken there should be no legs

You can leave facial hair in the military? Did not know that

What a man. Every time I hear anything on him, it’s always about him doing selfless stuff like this ❤️

Acts like these truly make a difference. Kuddos to Gary Sinise!!!

WTG Gary!

Not all heroes wear capes

Legends on both sides of the table.

What is he serving? Green beans with…?

I love this guy.

Good Guy Gary

This man is a true hero

Gary Sinise for president!

Lieutenant Dan ain’t got no legs, but he sure got a heart!

That man walks the walk.

This guys up there with Keanu.

Possibly Bubba Gumps !

The level of hypocrisy to claim to be so pro-veteran yet staunchly support a political party that is so detrimental to veterans makes me highly dislike him.

This dude is so supportive of the military

Its been too long since I’ve seen a “Gary Sinise here” post

Captain Dan! 

He is so wholesome. Such a great person.

I love this guy.

The old classic Air Force guy on shaving profile😂

Lieutenant Dan paying it forward

But Lieutenant Dan, you ain’t got no more rolls!

He is one of the best!


He’s one celebrity i feel actually cares about his cause….or he’s a truly great long role actor……

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