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You need to assume 90% of people on Twitter are posting from a Russian Bot Factory. It makes a lot of content you see there make much more sense.

Hitler Harris lmaooo. That’s up with with Megan McCain saying Tim Walz is so radical she’s even more terrified of him than he is of Kamala. Something about Walz’s award-winning hot dish is REALLY horrifying to her.

Trump has a long history of helping non whites. Oops, typo there. Trump has a long history of hurting non whites.

trump is going to carpet bomb gaza and let jared build a waterfront resort. all those morons who voted for him will think its great, even the muslim protest voters who will lose family members.

There is a lot of x accounts that are paid propagandists from Russia and China so I highly doubt this person actually cares about gaza and just wants to insure the U.S is suffering.

I would also like to point out the person replying is not the same person from the screenshot

Wow really OWNED harris you sure showed her…

I wonder if the left-leaning genocide protest voters will ever be able to admit they got fucking duped by state-sponsored propaganda.

It won’t matter, in the long run. Red or blue, your face tastes the same to the leopards.

Basically, you can thank these cretins, the ones that thought ACA was different from Obamacare, and gatekeeping immigrants who think they’re “the good ones” for tipping the scales for Orange Shitler.

At least some religious fundamentalists will be getting their comeuppances.

People that voted for Trump over Harris because of her stance on Israel/Palestine don’t possess the the brain cells to do long math. Unfortunately, they now get what they get.

I can’t even tell who is supporting who in this exchange.

Was voting for Trump cause you hated the gays worth it?

And how does Trump winning help Palestine? Also what is with these leftist wanting Trump to win then being patronizing about people wanting to protest him or not? Ummmm…I voted for Kamala to have to avoid doing that

They dont care, this was never about Gaza for alot of these people

They’re still gonna be tweeting about “teaching Biden a lesson” as Trump is building hotels and resorts after Gaza is leveled and left in ruins.

“Hitler Harris” is beyond fucked up


Lol as if the new administration who wants to have the military in the streets will let you protest

During the campaign season, the free palestine crowd claimed they were only protesting at Harris Rallies because the Democrats were the one in power, so by next month I expect to see them protesting at Trump events. Or lemme guess their cowardly asses won’t show up cause they are top scared of Trump🫤

Future head of the pentagon Muslims should be wiped out… incoming ambassador to Israel there is no such thing as a Palistine guess Harris is laughing now bitch.

But when I call the nazis in Ohio nazis I’m told I took the meaning out of the word.

God I hope MAGA gets what they voted for. We need a complete reboot and build back up starting with education and a realignment of parenting.

She wasn’t even president why do they blame her

Enough of X screenshots here. All engagement boosts the post and gives Musk money. The best time to delete your X account was yesterday.

Far right posts are shown to new accounts without overlapping selected interests. Bots are everywhere liking, reposting and commenting. X is hemorrhaging money because advertisers don’t want their ad next to hate speech. X is only still around because investors are still giving money because they don’t care about making a profit. They’re investing in spreading right wing propaganda.

Don’t help them.

Ah yes, Harris “2 state solution” vs Trump “Finish the job”

They are obviously identical /s

Many of the Michigan voters especially were useful idiots, made to believe they were sending a message. But your heart being in the right place doesn’t absolve you from the consequences of your actions. I’ll be surprised if the majority of Gaza isn’t an Israeli settlement by 2028.

These people are so god damn stupid

And this ladies and gentlemen, is how Pro-Palestine supporters lost the support of mainstream Dems. “Hitler Harris”? An absolutely vapid and ignorant bunch of morons. They sound no different than MAGA at this point. And make even less sense than MAGA supporters.

Oh no.

Trying to figure out what to defrost for dinner, ahi tuna steaks or chicken thighs for Thai coconut curry?

Trump will be the president and people will find a way to blame it on Kamala. “Palestinians died because of Kamala, I didn’t vote because democrats are as bad as republicans, it’s her fault they are dead now tho”

Wait. I thought Hitler was good again now.

People need to figure out their insults.

At least Biden/Harris were trying to rein in Israel somewhat and provide relief to the innocents in Gaza. Trump flat out doesn’t give a shit.

Most leftists I know refused to understand the concept of a lesser evil or that there were more issues than Gaza so they refused to vote for Trump. Well congratulations, Trump won and the Gazans are even more fucked than before but at least you can keep huffing your own farts and feel so proud that you didn’t support the Dems.

Hey I’m prepared to be wrong here, but I don’t expect to see any keffiyeh kids lying down in front of deportation vans.

Turns out “umm sorry sweaty, solidarity isn’t transactional” only goes in one direction.

Gaza is speaking? Not for long

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