Gen Z deciding who serves and who protects

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fr though the waiter probably wont mind, just ask for the ketchup….

“Gen Z has some social awkwardness when trying to be polite & courteous, but are willing to commit to taking serious action in an incredibly high-stress situation when they feel it’s necessary.”

idk man this sounds like a big compliment to me

ACAB, but you deserve a little more ketchup too. Just be polite about how you ask and it should be fine.

Fast food workers rolling their eyes reading this…

Your average gen z isn’t a disaffected revolutionary lol, most have already drank the same kool aid that previous generations did and are on the same path to a life of apathy and conservatism as every American before them.

GenZ is so painfully cringe.

Bull fucking shit. If that was the truth they woulda been protesting the trump victory.

Hospo workers absolutely have more pressure to serve and protect the customers in their establishment. The job of the police is to enforce the law, no matter how ethical the law is.

Would be better with the bruh cropped out

Good for you, Gen Z. I thank you for your service.

Sincerely, an old millennial.


Weird to think asking someone to carry out their job is disrespect. But that does explain Gen Z employees.

I donโ€™t know why you guys disapprove. Dude in the OP pic literally saying Gen z wont ask someone to do a basic minor function of their job because they respect them.

All the cops are the same.

Right now we’re proving we don’t need
corporations. We don’t need money. This
can become a commune where everyone
just helps each other.

Yeah, we’ll have one guy who like, who
like, makes bread. A-and one guy who
like, l-looks out for other people’s

Gen Z would crumble is a cop breathed on them. GTFO ๐Ÿ˜‚

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