Gen Z, is this true or ignorant?

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[Thought this deserved attention.](

Ignoring politics is a privilege. When you’re part of a group that is attacked by policy then you don’t have that luxury, the politics will find you instead. If you’re in a position to just ignore it and go on living your life, then that’s the privilege of not being affected by whatever’s happening.

So it’s both true, and ignorant. That person doesn’t need to live in fear because they have the privilege of ignoring it. Someone who doesn’t have that privilege is going to be in fear whether the TV is on or not.

Edit: Since a lot of people are bringing it up, yes of course it depends what you’re watching. If you’re watching FOX News and being part of the scaremongering problem, that’s a whole other issue.

Media fearmongering is too out of hand, so while you should be informed, STOP being religiously attatched to social media, news cites, and documentals.

No one there will tell you about anything good of the things that are happening, and in result you’ll thing everything is shit and live miserably thinking there is nothing worth living for and the world is shit

This is privileged ignorance. Also, being informed does not have to equal fear. Also, isnโ€™t it interesting that we as a joint society can choose our leaders and societal norms and learning about our current system causes fear and panic? Almost makes you think we could be better.

Bad things don’t go away just because you buried your head in the ground.

itโ€™s what everyone here needs to do

Ignorance is bliss.

Ignorant. Ignoring the world’s problems isn’t going to solve them. It may be a temporary solution, and maybe even beneficial to take a break and unplug for a day (for mental health reasons), but it is NOT a long term solution. Ignoring what’s going on in the world will just lead you to be ill-informed and easy to manipulate.

Social worker here.

*I don’t want to know but I have to*.

The people I work with are going to be heavily impacted by all of these things — I need to be aware of the possibility of something occurring. I hate this timeline because I want to mentally shut all of this off but I also work in a profession where it’s extremely pertinent information to know…

Situational. There is a lot of fearmongering on SM and MSM. Doesnโ€™t mean that all of it is false though

Yeah we tired of the news. For the next 4 years at least

No educating yourself about how things work is how you stop living in fear

Turning off the 24 hour cable news channels is how you stop letting propaganda fill you with rage

Being prepared and being smart isnโ€™t living in fear. And if you donโ€™t know whatโ€™s happening in the world outside of your own ZIP Code you canโ€™t be prepared for anything.

But the 24 hour cable news channels that have to fill the airtime with something operate off outrage. Donโ€™t let them get you with the outrage


Both but it sort of depends how you interpret it.

If you mean “I’m going to stop paying attention” then it’s either ignorant or extremely privileged.

If you mean stop watching TV news stations designed to keep you watching for as long as possible, then it’s pretty damn true.

Ignorant and privileged

Kendrick was right itโ€™s that damn tv

Ignorant the reason the news is scary because a lot of what they report is scary ignoring it isnโ€™t gonna fix it.

100% make sure that if you are happy, sad, worried, anxious because you came to that conclusion not because some
Media conglomerate decided to make you feel that way so you hoard eggs or toilet paper paper. Nothing sells better than fear, and that applies all across sectors and products

This is half true. The news does spread fear but the better way to respond to it is be able to critically engage with the media you consume and be able to take care of your own mental state

Ignoring problems doesn’t make them go away

Idk, I’d like to get a heads up before I get shoved into a box car with the black, disabled, LGBTQ+, etc

Especially considering we are seeing an active genocide of trans people as well as it’s looking towards genocide of disabled people as well. We are already several stages into the trans genocide which is the most concerning thing

Turn this TV off, turn this TV off


It’s more important to read the stories than The headlines.

Turning off the TV isn’t going to stop the removal of womens rights and trans genocide in the USA. It’s not going to stop project 2025 from destroying the country.

You need to be aware to protest and advocate.

Very true for everyone, not just Gen Z. Same goes with the phone- put it down!

Also all racist and sexist beliefs you’ve ever been exposed to have come through a screen.ย 

That’s what they’re for. Screens are for advertising and social engineering. The entertainment aspect is only there so you’ll keep looking at it.ย 

It’s true. Just like how if you stop reporting covid cases, people won’t worry about it anymore.

You should pay attention to current events but not to the point where youโ€™re living in constant fear.ย 

yes, turn your tv and phone off and go outside. We will all be okay

I’m 35. I didn’t watch the “news” or read a paper in over 10 years and I’ve never been happier.

There is no war in Ba Sing Se

Notice how it’s a white man doing it lmao. We have that privilege if we so choose.

We can say “well I’M not a fascist” and pat ourselves on the back and give ourselves permission to stop “stressing ourselves out” since it only affects us if we so choose.

Or so we think.

care and act or shut off. If you arent willing to act to make a change then you will just stress.

Totally true. Has yet to sink in that outside of small blips here and there violent crime has been declining for 30+ years. You wouldnโ€™t know that from watching network television and local newsโ€ฆ

It’s a good start

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