General Manager sent this to me.. What’s my next move?

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This is kinda like an unofficial warning. Don’t do anything drastic, but do tighten up your shit and save the getting high for after the shift. Don’t hit your vape in the walkin or whatever folks are doing these days. I think he’s telling you that you’re not as effective when you’re high as you think you are.

I would not confess, but if he was gonna fire you this isn’t how he would do it, but it’s probably better going forward not to get loaded before your shift

Cut back. He’s putting you on notice that it’s affecting work.

It’s ok only waluigi knows he didn’t tell your general manager, you’re safe for now

If the GM notices then it’s probably obvious to everybody. Maybe cut back or invest in some military grade eyedrops.

“Well yeah, we were just out back, dumbass. You’re high too.”

What I read: “Look. Neither of us gets paid enough to deal with half the shit we do. IDGAF if you’re high, as long as it doesn’t cause a problem for me. Be high, don’t be high, whatever. Just be less noticeably high so I don’t have to deal with even more bullshit today if fucking FOH Brigitte decides to pull her head out of her ass and decide that this is the bullshit thing she’s going to cause drama about today, K?”

Thanks I’m printing this and putting in on the walk in door tomorrow

Nothing. Do and say nothing

the GM is kindly suggesting you stop looking visibly high at work.

Double down and get even more high this will assert dominance and cause no problems

Send it back

Do you need visine?

You thank Waluigi for the heads up, obviously.

That’s a warning. He’s telling you it’s obvious

Are you insanely high? Or just a little high?

Ask him if he’s heard what Luigi did recently

HR here- this may seem really sensitive and fear inducing, but this is pretty cut and dry.

You’re being encouraged to SHARE.

My response when someone asks me if I’m high is “you bastards don’t pay me enough to afford drugs” and that gets a good laugh

Whatever you’re doing, do it less noticably.

Maybe mind the cologne when you come back from break.

Bro is letting you know to cut back during work hours. Don’t say anything back, but don’t fuck up again.

Honestly just chill out. He’s actually being cool i guess?? Lol. That shit would make me so paranoid but then again, I don’t get violently high where my GM would notice. Head chef or kitchen manager?? Fuckers were smoking with me!

Its a balance. 🤣

You got the text version of the old “you look tired” informal warning. If you work in one of those places where it’s an open secret, this warning means You’re passing the point of plausible deniability. If he can tell, other people can tell, and one of those people might not be cool about you being high at work.

Your best course of action is to take the warning king, never admit to anything, and at the very least slow down or wait till your shift is over to hit the pen.

Just be cheeky and say “I wish” then cut back on being high at work lol

Send him a picture of “our Luigi” with snitches get stitches 

Answer that you can’t text because you’re at work and make it funny.

Buy eye drops for “redness relieve” an hit them before you walk into work homie looks more professional 👌 an obviously don’t smell like ten pounds of dank

start wearing sunglasses all the time

this would make me so paranoid id immediately start fucking everything up

I am clearly in the minority here but if you’re at least semi close this is probably a joke and they want to get high with you 

We’ve had a weed policy at work from before weed was legal it goes like this: “don’t be fucked up at work”

Shape up or ship out. Naw, just dial it back a notch.

Honestly it means your GM is a real one and is setting you up for success. Many GMs are actively looking for any reason to get people in trouble. Your GM is proactively avoiding getting you in trouble and giving you the benefit of the doubt which means they either respect your work specifically or they respect their employees inherently, and either way you’re in a good spot. Just get less high from now on

My man said you look high in the coolest way possible. Smell better, act better. Doesn’t sound like your work is bad or whatever, just it looks like you are, in fact, stoned as a bologna sandwich.

That being said, you can’t trust a chef with no tats or doesn’t smoke weed. It’s in a book somewhere.

I can’t believe nobody’s addressing the fact that this is the funniest possibly way he could have chosen to inform you of this information

LMAO at all these people taking this seriously, if your fuckin GM is sending you this meme, you’re good 😂😂😂

Send a pic of Luigi M. and remind them of his views on bosses


Send him a photo of Luigi Mangioni

Invest in some eyedrops

I used to swear by getting high before and during my shift. But honestly, it kinda sucked.

Just say heard

Say nothing. Buy some eye drops. Take a shower before work.

Seems pretty obvious… smoke after work, not before. You’re welcome 👍🏻

Start smoking after work. It’s way more rewarding, anyway. Plus everyone *feels* more productive with weed, but in reality, we should be a little clear-headed for some portion of the day.

He’s saying he doesn’t give a shit if you’re high…..just please, hide it better.

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