Genuinely curious Last updated: February 12, 2025 4:59 pm By ComputerResident6228 Share Lounge 32 Comments Subscribe Login Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 32 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments Nearby-Geologist-967 1 month ago “60 pluusss (checks memory) 15, 75” Asocial_Stoner 1 month ago (20 + 40) + (7 + 8) Saxin_Poppy 1 month ago 48 + 7 = 55 55 + 20 = 75 Rscc10 1 month ago 48 + 2 = 50 27 – 2 = 25 50 + 25 = 75 Festerino 1 month ago I do 48+20 =68, then 68+7 =75 Amazing_Library_5045 1 month ago 7+8=15, 20+40=60, 60+15=75 Mackisaurus 1 month ago My autism magically projects 75 into my brain Hammer-Face 1 month ago Tetris Accurate_Koala_4698 1 month ago 60 + 7 + 8    60 + 15    75 K3RN31data 1 month ago 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=75 Ashisutantoo 1 month ago 27+3 + 48-3 = 30 + 45 pOUP_ 1 month ago 30+50-5 -Fuse 1 month ago 48 + 2 + 27 – 2 = 50 + 25 + 75 The_Baguette_Man_123 1 month ago 7+8=15 20+40+15=75 Bolverk7 1 month ago 27 + 50 – 2 metalhead35815 1 month ago 27 is multiple of 9 so 27/9=3 4+3=7, 8-3=5 —> 75 This trick has limited usage mawseed 1 month ago 7 + 8 = 15, carry the 1, 1 + 2 = 3 + 4 = 7, 75. MR_DERP_YT 1 month ago 27 + 48 = 30 + 45 = 75..? kiwi2703 1 month ago 20+40=60 7+8=15 (my mental math for this kind of thing: 8+2=10 and 7-2=5, so 10+5=15) 60+15=75 The1mAgiN4ry 1 month ago Move 2 from 27 to 48 to get 25 + 50. Oragasm 1 month ago 27 + 8 =35 35 + 40=75 Cheery_Tree 1 month ago I convert both into base 100 then add them you-cut-the-ponytail 1 month ago 3(9+16) or it ends with 5 and it’s a multiple of 3 so it’s gotta be 75 Ok-Description2367 1 month ago 48+7=55 55+20=75 sukerberk1 1 month ago 24+48+3 = 72 + 3 = 75 I_love_bowls 1 month ago Round up to 30+50=80 then subtract 5 LuckerKing 1 month ago 6 uuuhh 75 NarrowAd3430 1 month ago 20 + 40 + 7 + 3 + 5 itzjackybro 1 month ago – 27 + 48 – = (20 + 40) + (7 + 8) – = 60 + 15 – = 75 ConditionSmooth9086 1 month ago I know that 8+7 is 15, so I know it ends in 5. Then I just add ten to the sum of the tens digits and get 70. So it’s 75. imabigsofty 1 month ago 8-10 = 2 7-2 = 5 Put a 1 in front of the 5 making it 15 20+40 = 60 60+15 =75 ElPwno 1 month ago 7 + 8 = 8 + 8 – 1 = 15 Leave the 5, carry the 1. 1 + 4 + 2 = 7 75. SearchSearchRecent PostsThe Milky Way over the Grand Canyon and Colorado River [OC] [1600×1200] Forest in Darende in Malatya [OC] [4000×2252] He who must not be named Lone Pine Peak, Eastern Sierra, California [3000×2249] [OC] Morning Blue Hour on Whitney Portal Rd. Lone Pine, California [3000×2186] [OC] Recent Comments
“60 pluusss (checks memory) 15, 75”
(20 + 40) + (7 + 8)
48 + 7 = 55
55 + 20 = 75
48 + 2 = 50
27 – 2 = 25
50 + 25 = 75
I do 48+20 =68, then 68+7 =75
My autism magically projects 75 into my brain
60 + 7 + 8 Â Â Â
60 + 15 Â Â Â
27+3 + 48-3 = 30 + 45
48 + 2 + 27 – 2 = 50 + 25 + 75
27 + 50 – 2
27 is multiple of 9 so
4+3=7, 8-3=5 —> 75
This trick has limited usage
7 + 8 = 15, carry the 1, 1 + 2 = 3 + 4 = 7, 75.
27 + 48 = 30 + 45 = 75..?
7+8=15 (my mental math for this kind of thing: 8+2=10 and 7-2=5, so 10+5=15)
Move 2 from 27 to 48 to get 25 + 50.
27 + 8 =35
35 + 40=75
I convert both into base 100 then add them
3(9+16) or it ends with 5 and it’s a multiple of 3 so it’s gotta be 75
24+48+3 = 72 + 3 = 75
Round up to 30+50=80 then subtract 5
6 uuuhh 75
20 + 40 + 7 + 3 + 5
– 27 + 48
– = (20 + 40) + (7 + 8)
– = 60 + 15
– = 75
I know that 8+7 is 15, so I know it ends in 5. Then I just add ten to the sum of the tens digits and get 70. So it’s 75.
8-10 = 2
7-2 = 5
Put a 1 in front of the 5 making it 15
20+40 = 60
60+15 =75
7 + 8 = 8 + 8 – 1 = 15
Leave the 5, carry the 1.
1 + 4 + 2 = 7