George Soros leaves the chat

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Laws are just activities that cost money to do.

And somehow the rich and powerful still get government handouts in the millions.

Glad it got exposed.

I still will never understand how this is shocking people

Is funny how musk became everything the right wing claimed Soros to be (but wasn’t), and now they are happily bending over.

Op of you are worried about George Soros your brain is gone.

“You don’t understand Soros is controlling the media still, he’s doing it, I swear!”

Soros doesn’t have your tax returns and SSN.

If laws held the rich accountable, the rich would make them illegal.

Musk being 50x richer and controlling government 100x more.

The dude literally is messing with every informations of american citizens right now.

And people are still talking about Soros to divert attention, that’s just insane!

They absolutely aren’t technically, they’re just really good at avoiding the consequences for convicted crimes

Remember, unless it is a heinous crime against humanity, most crimes in Common Law practicing nations can easily be bought out.

Why not say bezos, or Elon, or Zuckerberg? Soros literally has 2% of the wealth Elon does.

What did George soros actually do that made him so hated? Can you point me to specific examples of his wrongdoing

thats not new, we always knew that.

Humans have forgotten human history I guess. Always dominated by a one or few with some material or monetary advantage. Always. Always. Always. People are so forgetful. Very forgetful. Very shameful. Shameful. Shameful

literally who

Thats why we need a revolution for the working class right? RIGHT ?!?!?

So violence really is the only way

“Tax the rich” mf’s when you mentioned George Soros: 🤬

Hes a jew so its normal to hate him

The law is whatever the public agrees on..

If the public thinks an individual is evil and needs to go? Then.. make them go

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