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When I think of a cool truck:


Both are pavement princesses



They both look like ugly-ass, oversized trucks to me.


Well I think of Optimus Prime


Pickups like this are best, regardless of brand.

As someone who is 0 into cars, they’re the same picture

Funny enough, the top one probably has more towing capacity

There are definitely a lot of guys who use their truck as a status symbol instead of as a tool, but there are also a lot of guys who need a truck for personal use. I have a truck. I’m always doing renovations of some kind, and I haul wood for woodworking projects. I know lots of guys who have acreages who need trucks for lots of different reasons. Let’s not make assumptions about why people choose to drive what they do. Trucks can have a legitimate purpose for those whose lifestyle extends beyond staring at screens being judgmental of others.

Both are useless.

European here. They’re both disgusting.

I don’t think about cool trick because for me truck aren’t cool

ikr, it’s almost like people have different tastes and opinions and we should just live and let live, idk

If you were right then everyone would own one and you’d hate them.


The top one looks tacky to me. I don’t want my truck to be a pavement princess. The wheels on the ram are ugly as sin, but I’d still be able to take it down logging roads and on the trails to hit fishing spots. I wouldn’t have any running boards left on that lowered truck up top. I do like the visor, though.

I don’t think of either because I’m not 12


Classic trucks just hit different—chrome trims > oversized wheels any day.

Bro I’m right there with you. The stanced rubber band tires look sooooooo badddddd. That and I belive almost all the new trucks barring nissan and ford look just terrible

Imma gonna guess OP is american.

OP I see you chose a low rider truck. I sense you’re Hispanic lol

That first truck isn’t great either. It’s so low to the ground you’ll tear up all that chrome. Delusional

Both are products of whats popular at the time. I’m 29 and the bottom truck is a mall crawler lol

For me, just a stock ram 1500 is cool, no raised suspension, just the sleek, not too aggressive design.

isnt the whole point of a truck to be big? why get a truck and make it look as small as possible?

Everyone driving the first truck is about to get deported so you can probably catch a good deal.

Lol nahh that top one is kinda ugly with those side skirts. Without them it would look always better

Well ones functional and one defeats the purpose of a truck.

At least it’s not squatted

Sometimes you can really feel that this in an American dominated app

Literally the same piece of crap

Cool truck for me is Matt Cariker’s DemoCuda

Kinda reminds me of Simon Cowell before and after plastic surgery

1st one is still cleaner than the second, second is effortless uncreative design-


Only this

Both look like shit i’ll stay with my C15

Hear me out, a small white or silver S10.

They’re both cool for different reasons. No question that the bottom truck is better when it comes to actually being a truck though

Naaa I deffo think of the 2nd one but stock and not stupid looking

I like the lil’ Japanese pickup trucks personally

this is what i think of as a cool truck


Top one is waaay dated, bottom one is for guys that can’t please a woman in bed.

I love me some full size trucks, but those both suck


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