get the soap already.

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A billion dollars. I can buy all the latina goth mommies I want

A billion dollars

See, these kind of things are funny, but I want a billion dollars

I honestly don’t think OP understands how much $1,000,000,000 is exactly..

A bi lion seems cool, but idk what the exchange rate for that is in dollars

Nah, I’d be rich

Jokes on all of you, those are different red pills.

Even the Latina goth mommy would choose the billion dollars, and probably shame you heavily for not even considering it

“I just love Latinas, Sonic”

Do you have any idea how many Latina hookers you could buy for a billion dollars

I ain’t stupid, I’m taking the money to take care of stuff.

No one said i can only pick one righht?

I’ll take the billion, you can go to the DR and have that done for like $10.

Do you know how much a billion is?

Billion dollars! Then I’ll have a mansion, few cars and Latinas to have fun with!

cant be giving me these extremely simple hypothetical scenarios, like come on

I’d do two chicks at the same time


POV: you lied, there was no latinas

Am pretty sure that if you give a single million to any latina goth momma they will wash you, so you can actually get 1k washes with the blue pill meanwhile the red one only gives you a single wash

Red pill all day

ill take the billion dollars

Nah, I’ll stick with the billion dollars

How many schnitzels is this? I need it for scale.

I NEED that money.


I’m married, to a wonderful woman… that would do this if I asked. I respect her more than that, by a LOT… so I wouldn’t ask.

I guess what I’m saying is, I’d pay off the house and buy a new pickup… then invest in something slow and steady, like Coca Cola.

The red pill option would traumatize me. Give me the money.

If she stays with you forever then it would be red, if it’s once then blue.

I’ll take the mommy…😳..OOPS, I MEANT MONEY,I SWEAR I MEANT MONEY!!!😵‍💫 Im so embarrassed 😞

Don’t know what a ‘bilion’ is, so I’ll take the Latina goth mommy.

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