The Frustrating Tale of the Stubborn Shower Handle Screw
Ah, the humble shower handle. It’s a simple thing – just a lever or a knob that turns to control the flow of water from the showerhead. Or so it would seem. In reality, the shower handle can be a source of great frustration, particularly when one of its screws decides to play hard to get.
And so it was with our protagonist, who found herself wrestling with a particularly recalcitrant screw on her shower handle. It was a screw that simply refused to budge, no matter how much elbow grease (or fancy new screwdriver) was applied.
At first, it was just a minor annoyance. The handle would creak and groan, but still function, albeit with a bit of extra effort. But as time went on, the screw’s reluctance to comply only grew more pronounced. The handle would no longer turn smoothly, instead jamming and sticking in the "on" position. It was like the screw had decided to play a game of chicken with our protagonist, daring her to try and get the better of it.
Desperate measures were called for. A new screwdriver was acquired, and then another, and another. Online forums were scoured for tips and tricks, from industrial-strength solvent to the gentle art of "wiggling and jiggling" (yes, that’s a real thing). But none of these tactics seemed to work. The screw remained resolute, a stubborn nut that simply would not be moved.
As the days turned into weeks, the struggle with the screw became a local legend. Friends and family would gather around, exchanging knowing glances and murmurs of "good luck" as our protagonist wrestled with the recalcitrant fastener. It was a spectacle, to be sure, but one that was unlikely to be forgotten anytime soon.
And yet, despite the drama and spectacle, our protagonist never wavered. She was like a modern-day Sisyphus, forever pushing her boulder (or in this case, the shower handle) up the hill, only to have it roll back down again. But she refused to give up, driven by a fierce determination to conquer the screw and restore her shower to its former glory.
In the end, it was a simple solution that did the trick: a rubber grip, applied with just the right amount pressure, allowing the screw to be turned with ease. It was a moment of triumph, a victory that was met with cheers and applause from the gathered onlookers.
The screw, it seemed, had finally met its match. And our protagonist, well, she had earned her stripes as a true warrior of the bathroom. For in the end, it is not just the small victories that define us, but the battles we choose to fight – and win.
This screw is stuck in my shower handle, I want to replace the whole thing but can’t get it out. The right side one comes out normally (I put it back in for now so I don’t have a broken shower in the meantime) but the left one turns about a turn or two then locks up. Thinking maybe it’s rusted on the inside? I can take the right one out and kind of open the plate enough to maybe spray some WD40 back there but wondering if there’s something else I should consider before doing that?