Get what you voted for.

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Well yeah, If you canโ€™t scam the elderly whoโ€™s gonna buy those tacky ass bibles?

Herr Trump loves the poorly educated.

Surely this will lower the price of eggs

My level of fucks for these people has officially ran out. I know itโ€™s not how Iโ€™m supposed to feel about my fellow Americans but goddamn I hope you get everything you voted for.

๐Ÿง‚ ๐Ÿงˆ ๐Ÿฟ

The seniors of Ohio were scammed.

Trump’s whole election campaign was a scam that targeted seniors.

Once you leave civilization in Ohio it is nothing but the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet for miles and miles. I love Ohio but god do I hate Ohio.

They can just talk to me because I can offer the same service for the low, low price of $500 and I promise that none of that money will go to Planned Parenthood or the Trevor Project. Nope, not taking advantage of the elderly from the worst generation to help fund good organizations

Good, further fleece the MAGAts.

This is what they wanted. ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you educate them about scams, then who’s going to buy the Trump meme coin and the Melania meme coin and the Trump bible and even more expensive signed Trump bible and the Trump sneakers and the Trump guitar and the $100,000 signed Trump watch?


Put Trump’s name on it, don’t be shy

Obviously these presentations werenโ€™t working anyways, we elected the biggest scammer in historyโ€ฆtwice.

Scam president cancels scam training for seniors

I hope and pray that trump voters get scammed, lose their houses, lose their healthcare and die.

MAGA would have their quality of life lowered even more and still blame โ€œothersโ€.

lol hows those egg prices old poors?

Try as I might, I could not find a single reference to this event on any senior resource web site, library site or newspaper in the Geauga Co. area. It’d be easy for the goons to scrub that from the YMCA and FBI sites, but the rest? Sounds ๐ŸŸy.

ETA: I called the Geauga Family YMCA, and a nice woman named Debbie **CONFIRMED** this WAS a scheduled event that was **CANCELLED** for the reason stated on the sign!

This is something that really needs to be reversed the amount of scam calls my grandparents get on a daily basis is scary.

The entirety of this administration is a scam targeting seniors.

As a Democrat, I hope every trump supporter suffers greatly, I want them to feel pain. I have no more fucks to give, I want revenge for what they did to this hecking country

As Musks 4 year old son said in a tucker Carlson interview, “we quietly do whatever we want.”

Shit like this makes me glad that my parents and MIL are gone, and my FIL is in a nursing home. Not only so they don’t get scammed, but that they can’t see what the shitty MangoMan is doing to this country.

I had a coworker (big Trump supporter) whose mother was scammed out of almost all her retirement savings. A course like this could have saved her finances. You get what you vote for, I suppose.

MAGA is a scam targeting seniors

May everyone have the day you voted for.

They were going to tell them about crypto scammers. Can’t have that, can we?

Just wanna show my appreciation to those who did some fact-checking to verify the authenticity of this claim.

I know it’s easy to want something to be true because Trump is a POS, but I’d rather be mad about real things than fake ones.

I’m glad that to at least some people, truth matters.


How the hell you get scammed out of a “How not to get scammed” class? ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Well I do community outreach for a different three letter agency. I suppose itโ€™s time to sharpen the resume up.

MAGA will feel it the worst,,, they just donโ€™t know it yet.

I can’t find any actual evidence this is true. Anyone have a link?

A big part of republican voters are seniors who have been lied to

Of course. Why would The Idiot want an informed citizenry that is now educated against scams? That would interfere with his revenue stream.

And then, when the scams continue, Vivek and the MAGA GOP will come on the radio this summer and say, “Vote for me, to stop this liberal woke agenda. Let’s make Ohio great again”. While skipping yet again, it’s 100% the GOPs fault Ohio is where it is. When you’ve held 100% control for over 40 years, you can’t blame others.

The republicans are afraid programs like this will make seniors aware of the scam artist in the White House

You can tell the person who wrote this was pissed. Good, blame the right peopleย 

Making America safe for grifters has been an important agenda item for the right for a long time

Had to comfort my sister yesterday in a laundry room so her kids wouldnโ€™t see her cry. Because for the past week she has worked night and day, without sleep, trying to figure out how her organization and others are going to keep afloat. Bottom line, most are not, theyโ€™re dead. And these are not dei organizations. These are simple education contracts.

Essentially Elon is having his lackeys cut $4 billion a day blindly. They let stand random pieces that canโ€™t support themselves. Cuts things they donโ€™t understand.

Imagine Elon going to a Walmart and firing everyone but the warehouse workers. So they canโ€™t even get inside the building, because the manager with the key is gone. No trucks are coming. No one there to sell the products. Just 5 guys getting paid with nothing to do. Thatโ€™s how theyโ€™re fixing stuff. Just fyi.

Itโ€™d be ironic if a scammer changes the sign to do a presentation and then scams all the seniors.

No need to worry, because trump and musk are going to scam your Social Security, and they don’t need the competition

Naturally, a scammer like Trump hates this program.

I live in Ohio. My grandfather lives in Ohio. About a decade ago, he was scammed out of about 4k after being convinced over the phone that I was stuck in a Mexican prison. My grandfather is a big trump supporter. It’s extremely sad but as the saying goes “ain’t no fool like an old fool”

Welp, dusts off villian cape and finds the nearest senior home. It’s time.

Why on earth is the *Federal Bureau of Investigation* doing community outreach?

How about a nice public service announcement during the Wheel of Fortune instead?

I know! Maybe the FBI could, you know, arrest the scammers?

How much you want to bet this “community outreach” money was really a front for some other nefarious operation they wanted to keep secret.

I mean canโ€™t the local precinct dedicate resources to this instead of high paid fbi who should be busy with the dark web?

At this point… If I can’t have any money, neither should they.

Let the scammers get theirs.

Maybe just Google that and watch all the videos you want on scams against seniors. Who’s paying for FBI agents to do the job of a social worker? FBI should be out there looking for missing kids. This is exactly the type of weird shit Americans don’t want their tax money spent on.

I donโ€™t actually trust the FBI to be around our seniors anymore. To be honest they are not trustworthy.

Law enforcement canโ€™t do crime prevention? Insane.

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