Getting headgear as an adult

By zerasil
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I didn’t know they even still did head gear, you poor soul

I had 4 teeth extracted and it was the worst decision I ever made. The headgear sucks but you’ll be happier in the long run.


Wow those things haven’t changed in 30 years! It’ll be worth it. Good for you!

Now find the most popular girl and ask her to prom and you are all set .

Being able to afford orthodontia is the real flex.


Barely noticeable

Dude that sucks. I had braces in my late 20s. They fixed my cross bite by putting a plastic retainer over my bottom back teeth and attaching it with elastics to my top teeth, 2 on each side criss cross. I could barely open my mouth for the few months it was like that. I got them off after 18 months and my teeth are perfect now. I can assure you that it will be absolutely worth it in the end.

You look fucking slick pal

What does head gear even do?

Wow. That brings back terrible junior high school memories.

It will be worth it. Keep at it.

I didn’t realize they still used those things 😭

What in god’s name did you say to piss off your orthodontist?

Lucky. My wisdom teeth have been sideways for 10 years. I’d love to fix my luxury bones.

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Just own it. Be the cool guy that has headgear


JK I also had to wear headgear when I was a teenager. I feel your pain, it’s not a fun time but it is only for a short while and the results will be excellent 🐵👍🏼

Not that big of a deal, If I saw someone wearing headgear I wouldn’t even second give it a second glance, mostly cause this isn’t middle school anymore. Be happy that it’s working towards correcting your smile!

My dentist / orthodontist put these big ass springs in my mouth, similar to many who use rubber bands, and he explained that is the alternative to headgear. He saved me years of embarrassment because of the springs, not to say they didn’t have downsides.

EDIT: Spelling / Grammatical errors

Consider yourself lucky. You’ve got the cash around to do comestic operations. In my situation, I had to lose like three of my teeth because I didn’t have the cash to get my cavities filled or root canals done early. And when I finally did get some root canals, it turns out the cost was for temporary ones and they wanted like $4000 I think to replace the $800 temporary crowns, which I ended up keeping. One of those broke in half after two years.  I kept my broken tooth as-is until it finally broke again a month ago (so like 8 years after I got it). I still have my other temporary one. 

And now I feel occasional pain in some of my teeth.  I imagine they’re waiting to explode in another five years or so. 

So……. Yeah, congrats on the nice teeth! 

What is the point of headgear? I have not figured that out yet.


I’m sorry, that was so painful as a teen. It must be annoying as all Hells!

You look pissed! (…and not the good kind of pissed) I hope it works for you!

Idk why I wanted this in middle school 🤣 was so mad when the dentist gave me braces without the gear lolll


Poor thing, thought I heard the bentist on YouTube say they don’t do that anymore and if they did it’s an older orthodontist that’s not up with the times 🤷‍♂️🤔

Good for you!

I didn’t think they even made them anymore.

Use a 3d printer and make interchangeable Bane masks and big lips and stuff. Surprise your friends! Infuriate your enemies!


I hope your coworkers are mature adults that do not behave as high school children.

There’s probably a whole bunch of people that are into that


So like… what’s the threshold for this? Like when does it become necessary to do this over your average braces?

I ripped my braces out at 13. Very happy with that choice at 30. I couldn’t deal with the pain at all. Im already on pain meds and cant take any more. Wax was useless.

I had to have double jaw correction surgery at 32, had braces, a palate expander, jaw banded shut for a couple months during the whole 2 year process. A handful of uncouth people asked me about it the whole time and the rest could not have cared less. Just own it and endure it, do all the things they tell you to do and avoid the no-no’s and it will all be worth it in the end! Best of luck, friendo and keep your focus on the future results!

Is your orthodontist 80? You should find a younger Dr. That has been trained to use modern processes.

I refuse to believe this was the only necessary option

Did you star in Hellraiser?

It was REALLY that bad, I mean they seem fine…

Been there, well as a teenager at least. Small sacrifice that will pay dividends. Trust the process 🙂

You’ve got a good attitude about it and with that you can do anything 🫡

haha i had to wear mine for 3 years for my overbite! luckily only during sleep. i was consistent with it enough that i bumped the estimated 5 years i was supposed to have them on to 3! best wishes!! i too thought they were nonexistent until i had mine given to me lol

So many questions.

Are you able to remove it for sleep? How do you eat? How long do you have to have this contraption on for?

This fully looks fucking miserable. I would fully never leave my house with this thing on.

I had to have two teeth extracted while I had braces because my palate extender wasn’t enough to create room. I don’t regret the tooth extraction or braces but the whole orthodontic process was rough and I did it from 17-20. Trust the process, you’ll be happy when it’s done!


Please wear your retainer after

Never seen an actual person wearing headgear lol

Ready to be a villain in a James Bond movie.

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