[GI – 5.4 BETA] Mizuki Animations

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To verify mizuki is the only new character for 5.4?

did she just give us the ass shot on that burst? ๐Ÿ’€

So, she works at the hot springs

Chat. the weapon shes using is a hagoita (in her animations), a traditional wooden paddle the Japanese use to play a traditional game, Hanetsuki, during the new year!

the tail as a leg garter??? oh hoyo you never fail to amaze me

Ei’s personnal dango milk dealer

genshin really changed in natlan eh

My expectations are met for a standard character. Nothing too crazy. Just straight forward and simple which is good.

The floaty NAs and her floating around (skill, I assume? I forgot) are both really cute, but the ult is… I’m not the target audience.ย 


When Da Wei said they wanna go back to their roots…

am i on r/Zenlesszonezeroleaks_ or what

welcome back citlali

oh wow theyโ€™re really going for the succubus aesthetic huh

I like the new more diverse poses hoyo is cooking for ult instead of just “follow hand attack” but wow that’s. An angle

Yeah they’re pretty *standard*.

hoyo can’t beat the allegation


Very similar to Citlali

That’s the lewdest ult animation I’ve seen

Ha I knew she had to have a leg accessory somehow. MHY can’t help themselves. Certainly one way to do it though.

Animations don’t seem too bad. The float is especially amusing. Shes a bit too purple for me but if she is standard, she seems like a decent one to lose to. She also seems like a half decent anemo mobility character.

Feels like something from a different “kind” of game. Not really digging it in genshin.

Also what’s with mihoyo and giving the on fielders the most basic animations while units that show up for 2 seconds get the most extravagant, complicated animation chains? You will look at her all the time and she just does 3 ping pong taps.

I love purple and pastels so much, so I love her design…

Her tail ties around her thigh, adorable.

Okay, ykw…

I believe it now.

ZZZ has convinced MHY they can return to early HI3 (but not quite ZZZ) levels of degen

Her weapon is table tennis?

Yeah I’m not a fan of whatever is going on with hoyo.ย 

Looks like a 4 star move set, not impressed

Yeah that burst animation isnโ€™t for me

Ngl sheโ€™s cute as hell. And I like the magical effects of her sleepy clouds. Having a character based on the dream tapirs is cool.

I will not be pulling tho ๐Ÿ˜” unfortunately



Easy and straightforward kit, feels like good ol timesย 

Okay, not sound like a doomposter or anything…

BUT…is there something going on with Genshin that we don’t know?

We been getting nothing but female characters lately, with Kinich being the only male character in the whole 2024…the last one before was Wriothesley…I think.

And now we getting a completely new character who’s kinda fanservice-like compared to the rest…before Iansan…who doesn’t sseem that popular in the CN community apparently?

Maybe it’s just the new year’s Hangover and I’m just being paranoid…but so many doomposters have been saying that Genshin has been doing not so good lately…so I’m starting to almost believe.

One of the 5 stars of all time

If this is what going back to the roots meant… ๐Ÿซ 

ratfucker is typing…

Is that DANGO MILK ? Ok now it is confirmed. She is by far Ei’s favorite

I expected something wild for the ult animation because of the comments but itโ€™s nothing crazy.

My only real problem is the hair. Why are Genshin devs afraid of straight hair like Yae’s? Why does every new character with long hair have to have them split in the middle? I heard they’re harder to make look as good but it can’t be that hard, right? I’m not angry, it doesn’t ruin her design. Nonetheless, it’s still annoying.

Zzz team giving inspiration

Please just tell me that Natlan is just a nightmare.


She seems like a Citlali prototype

People who complain are gonna get called tourists but tourists are the ones who made this game blow up in revenue and popularity in the first place lol.

So can she not use basics during her skill?

Okay, a team with this same color scheme would be Mizuki, Citlali, Sigewinne, andโ€ฆ..Qiqi? Lol I have a friend who would play Genshin *specifically* for this team.

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