Gift my mom made for me for Christmas

By Cmeebs
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Is your name James Webb?

Sorry she actually made that for me, you’re just outta luck. Give it here!

I see she’s also is a fan of Catan

Is she single?

Is she taking orders ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)

Tell her she really needs to put that back, it’s pretty crucial to the JWST

You should cross-post to r/JamesWebb!

Nice! Your mom is awesome!

What did she make it with

Miiiiiiiiight steal this idea and make one, myself. That’s awesome!

I saw a version someone did where they added a small OLED panel to the center that automatically showed the newest images recieved by the JWST

That is gorgeous! I am extremely envious, what an incredible gift and awesome piece of art.

Is your mom an artist or art adjacent?

10s across the panels!

Happy 3rd Birthday, JWST!

Your mom has great taste

Is your moms name NASA?

Nice Pokémon Gym Badge.

Nice to see Catan is still going strong.

Mom: we have James Webb Telescope at home

Me: 🤩 thank you, mommy

Beautiful! Did one myself with those same mirrors my wife got me and some thick cardboard I cut and painted black. Have it hanging in my living room. Enjoy it!

Wait this is such an awesome gift!! Tell your mom I said thank you for making this. This is great.

I, too, choose OP’s mom

This is sick.

that is cool man.

you got a cool mother.


Very cool

Oh heck yeah man !

Holy crap i love that! I need it on the wall of my battlestation!

Tell her to make them and sell them on Etsy! Lol

Wow, what a great and well-made gift! 🤩

Was considering building something like this (for myself) using IKEA HÖNEFOSS mirrors.

If you consider the same, beware: Each set consist of two different tints.


Lucky you

Marry h…wait.

Could you ask her to share how she made that? I would be interested in copying it

Does she hate Alderaan?

That’s pretty bitchin. Is that gold lief or what?

Blockbusters right?

Your mom is legendary

Hexagon is the bestagon.


Very neat!

You won Christmas.

Wow. Nice work mom.

I’m jealous

Is it a 1:1 model?

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