Go straight to “terrorist” jail — because we say

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That’s why it’s important he is found not guilty. People should not be overcharged for crimes. This should be a state murder charge.

Let me Check notes:
Shooting up a black church, not terrorism
Shooting up a gay night club, not terrorism
Targeting minorities, not terrorism
Jan 6, 2020… not terrorism
Killing 1 guy. Terrorism.
Yep that tracks America is perfectly balanced and not at all corrupt as fuck

What troubles the establishment most is he is part of the upper middle class that are supposed to be their largest well compensated social buffer

Guess terrorism only pertains to violence against the rich. No one gives a fuck when a school gets shot up

Everyone go look up Ken Klippenstein. 

He leaked a NYPD document that essentially said that they would view anyone who expresses sympathy for Luigi or who expresses any disdain for corporate greed to be an “extremist”.

Oh no doubt. They’ll be wanting to tuck him in the darkest corner of a supermax prison where you never see the sunlight next to guys like the Unabomber 

He didn’t do it – Free Luigi

eat the rich

Stop working for the Clampdown!

There are a lot of terrorist acts in this country, but they get charged as hate crimes because the group(s) they are terrorizing aren’t the people running our government. The State only wants to legally call it terrorism when the targeted group is the one in power. 🤷🏽‍♀️

That’s why they’re charging him with terrorism…so they can charge anyone who supports him as terrorist.

And yet actual right wing terrorists are rarely even arrested

Yet when there’s an attempted coup on American soil, it’s a hard slap on the wrist.

Remember, heat rises. There’s enough dry material in the stack to cause a bonfire.
The fire is slowly spreading, and they can’t put it out.

It’s only terrorism if the elite are terrorized.

lo sono Luigi 💪
Edit: corrected mistake

Guys you gotta remember that the elites are TERRIFIED of us uniting. Why else do you think gender wars and culture wars and other BS are being pushed so hard on us? Gotta keep us divided and fighting each other so they can keep us controlled. Once enough of us wakes up, it’s over for them and they know it. Look up Edward Bernays. He literally wrote in his book “Propaganda”, that when the power was taken away from kings and given to the people via democracy, the elites were terrified of the power they had.

So they engineered propaganda to keep us divided and distracted. Engineering consent. Giving us the illusion of choice. Please, more of us have to WAKE UP

It is also a deliberate choice so that anyone who sympathizes with Luigi become an accessory to terrorism.

Obligatory: when peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.

The patriot act expired in 2020, and yet 7k people upvoted this shit.
You’ve all lost the fucking plot.

Ummm. The Patriot Act expired and is no longer in effect.

If everyone stopped paying premiums, would that stop the greed?

Literally I was more terrified after hearing about the guy who lit the lady on fire than I was after hearing about Luigi

I have slept on the subway before , that could have been me , I imagine many new yorkers feeling similarly

I have never killed thousands by neglecting to fulfill my end of a bargain and causing death to strangers , so I do not empathize with this fuckinggg cunt CEO

People saying were sick for cheering for murder completely ignored almost every other case of new Yorkers getting murdered since Luigi happened and nobody cheered for them murders , that being said none of them killers were done for terrorism

Precedent? It doesn’t exist anymore in the judicial system. It’s just whatever whenever done by whoever.


Because the terrorism charge is an addition to the murder charge by New York.

The PATRIOT ACT is federal.

I wish at the very least, in order to share an opinion on this with other people one would need to be educated on at least the very basics, such as the difference between federal and state charges.

I cannot understand how someone gets to the point where they have an entrenched position on something and want to spread their opinion around but don’t even have a basic understanding. And these people don’t even feel the least bit bad about it somehow


he is a textbook terrorist. the fact his cause is more sympathetic doesn’t change the meaning of the word

People who have literally zero understanding of criminal law should not post these types of things.
There’s no “precedent” being established here. This case is being handled in the trial court. Whether or not Mangione committed an act of terror is a finding of fact for the jury. If he’s found guilty of terrorism, that has literally no bearing on any future case where someone would be charged with terrorism.

Politically motivated killing is, by definition, terrorism. Or are we just going to edit the dictionary on that word too?

Ah, didn’t they do the same thing with J6?


Capitalism protects capital, and the Capitalists are now oligarchs that basically have control of the government at this point.

I shed no tears for the CEO but if Luigi really did it, then he needs to face some kind of justice. You don’t get to kill someone and just walk away from it.

They are stealing this from Saudi Arabia who classify all atheists as terrorist

The classical definition of terrorism includes tactics such as murder, assassinations, bombings, arson, and kidnapping as weapons of fear for the purpose of causing political change, social change, or ideological change.

This was an assassination intended as a weapon of fear to cause social and political change. His shell casings and manifesto point towards it. That’s why he was hit with the terrorism charge.

This is misinformation.

I still do not understand how a McDonald’s employee (or anyone) could identify him as the shooter from the photos.

Based on the crime and not the evidence, which hasn’t been throughly scrutinized enough so far, I think he’s guilty but not of terrorism.

Or to put it more accurately, whoever shot the CEO is guilty, Luigi hasn’t been proven to be the man in question yet regardless so I’ll reserve judgement.

It really should be a premeditated murder charge instead of anything extreme like domestic terrorism, although I’ve heard arguments that terrorism is defined by certain federal agencies as acts of violence with political motive, but that’s far too vague in my opinion.

Also are we sure this is the guy? I haven’t been keeping up with this case other than snippets but from what I’ve seen I haven’t been thoroughly convinced that Luigi is the killer in question.

Certainly not beyond a reasonable doubt.

Concentration camps for Trump critics.

I bet you they evoked the patriot act to find him. Set a kid up at Burger King to say he found em. Probably a new hire that’s an agent to cover their asses.

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