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They should just make and sell bags with all extra seasoning. Doritos just sitting on a goldmine

The holy grail of doritos ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Gotta suck the fuck outta that chip pause

Bro just got homie fired ๐Ÿ˜‚

Bro better not drink Sprite with this, he could die.

That’s the bag you eat that gets the corners of your jaw acting up because that amount of flavor is unexpected.

Been in a love/hate relationship with these mfs since the 1980s over inconsistent seasoning issues. I only buy the small bags now because they have a higher ratio of better seasoned chips. Hate paying for a big bag and there’s only 2 chips in the whole bag that look like this, the rest of them bitches whiter than me. I need every chip in the bag looking like this…

I felt the zing in my mouth looking at this pic

They probably gave them a formal warning for using too much. smh


Don’t rat out my man, his boss probably wants him fired for using slightly more resources

I just know it was good af

Robot Arm 307X68 says, “Y0UR W3LC0M3”

A rare privilege.

Spicy Nacho Doritos over everything

In the 90s I had a bag of cool ranch Doritos that somehow had been packed with some clumps of just the seasoning in the bottom of the bag. One of the best days of my life to this day.

Serial number? Thatโ€™s the bar code ๐Ÿ˜Š also – jealous af, I too vote for extra saucy Doritos. Zesty cheese is amazing, why wouldnโ€™t zesty cool ranch be?


The best of Doritos is when itโ€™s empty and you can get the seasoning in the corners

The rare god bag. It’s almost a shame to eat them.

I had a bag like this a few months ago.

I savored that shit and made it last for a couple weeks.

That poor employee is about to be โ€œlaid offโ€ for no reason

Don’t rat them out. You’re going to get someone fired!

Just sell us the fuckin seasoning so we can eat it raw

As a white woman, i object to this level of flavor

real af


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