God forbid anyone young do anything

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Nancy Pelosi wanted Joe Biden to step down now we need someone to ask Nancy Pelosi to step down…

True, but Nancy is on the way out and AOC is on the way up. Sucks to be sure but at best this is a temporary setback. And I can’t wait!

It’s not that they haven’t learned. It’s that they don’t really care.

Nothing is going to change until young people learn to vote. Boomers are declining in numbers, but every election, they show up, so they get what they want.

Pelosi is a geriatric and should have retired long ago.

What really pissed me off was hearing another democrat rep say “she needs to wait for her turn”.

They’d rather lose than have someone with some actual lefty views having a say in things.

Far too many Americans didnt vote because they thought their vote would be wasted, but by not voting it ensured their vote *was* wasted and it supported the party they agreed with the least.

The US media is biased, the people are apathetic. There is a saying “you get the Government you deserve”

People are too apathetic to vote for their best interests which allows the ruling class to decide for you.

Next time – vote

The democratic party is a joke. We could’ve had Bernie instead of Trump in 2016. But they screwed Bernie.

Nothing is going to happen on both sides until the boomers are gone. Also, she wanted him in and not her because she was going to go after inside trading. And that’s how Nancy made al her money. She has never bin for the people. Just been for herself

It’s all about power. Those old Skeletor fingers have a tight grip on power that she refuses to release.

Nancy was a big reason why Biden was told to go….because Nancy thinks she always knows best, meanwhile Biden and AOC were fully supporting Biden because they were able to pull him further left on many issues and that didn’t sit well with west coast elite dems such as nancy.

No, they know, they just don’t care.

I’ll be so happy when Pelosi is done serving the US.  

Nancy Pelosi is worth between 100 to 200 milllion, she doesn’t have to learn anything, she got her money. People only learn when they go through a time of growth, and times of growth usually happen under pressure. When you never have to worry about providing for your means, then where is the pressure to do anything?

the decision makers for the Democratic Party are all quite wealthy, no? Maybe working class people making the decisions would be an improvement, but we’re stuck for now with aging wealthy gatekeepers.

You can’t teach an old ~~dog~~ Dem new tricks.

The problem with posts like this is that it’s intentionally never specified what “fucking thing” Democrats should have learned from the election.

OP here is a great example. I was bummed AOC lost too, but OP says “God forbid anyone young do anything.” Did that work when we replaced Biden with Harris? Obviously Democrats need to learn from the election, but “old people bad” is not where the electorate is right now. Actual solutions are more complicated.

Nancy Pelosi only exists in Congress to make money, she is there for no other reason.

Voting is also pointless if everyone is just going to vote according to what one person says anyway.

I get that you really want the Democratic party to be a lockstep type party like Republicans are.

But it’s just not the case.

Pelosi needs to be runnout of town with schummer. Take Mitch with them.

As someone who is actually in Connelly’s district (and Gen Z no less) I’m so freaking tired of this braindead ageist take. Connelly is an excellent representative and has been voted in consistently by one of the most progressive districts in the country. You all are harassing this man because instead of spending time on social media pandering to you he’s actually focused on serving the people he represents.

Don’t get me wrong AOC is a rare bird in that she is a national figure who actually does productive things in congress and not just goofing off on social media.

But hey he’s an old and he hurt someone who you have a weird parasocial relationship so let’s get out the torches and pitchforks.

Also you guys do realize that Connelly and AOC have worked together since she was a freshman representative right? He’s co-sponsored several bills with her including the Green New Deal.

Did you even know what the oversight committee did before someone on social media told you to be mad about it ?

The unlikely duo of Elon Musk and Donald Trump might just be the best thing happened to American working class.

Hear me out. The Musk-Trump partnership, though unconventional, has the potential to be a catalyst for change in left politics. By cutting residual social nets, they’ll unshackle the hopes of the working class from the currently geriatric Democratic Party. This could be the push progressives need to swing the pendulum back and reclaim their roots.

Let’s face it, if Kamala Harris had been elected, she would have likely continued the center-right politics and economy that’s not working for the American working class. We would have seen more of the same, and in four years, we would be in the same spot – or worse.

But with Trump and Musk at the helm, the Democratic Party will be forced to confront its own shortcomings and rediscover its commitment to the working class. It’s time for the likes of Nancy Pelosi and her ilk to retire to their nursing homes and let the future be decided by progressive voices like AOC.

The Musk-Trump duo may not be the most conventional or appealing pair, but they might just be the disruptors the American working class needs. So, let’s embrace this unlikely partnership and see where it takes us.

Edit: I’m ready for the downvotes!

Set an age limit and get these geriatric fuckers out of politics. Plenty of other jobs have an age limit, so why can’t we do that for some of the most important jobs in America? Air traffic controllers are required to retire at the age of 59 for safety of flight reasons… We should do the same for politics for safety of our country reasons

This will be Nancy Pelosi’s downfall. It was bad enough that she continued to argue for being able to continue to engage in insider trading. She just represents a different version of the status quo, at this point.

that women always lose?


It should really tell you they don’t care.

I am convinced Democrats have no clue what they’re doing during elections. Their wins since.*Carter* have been immediately after major Republican fuck-ups, they cant keep momentum or put pressure on Republicans for sustained amount of time. They need to figure out how to make this actually work.

If by “since the election” means since the beginning of time, then yes. That is a correct statement.

Bc noting has really changed or will change for them

The dems need an Alec Baldwin in his role from Glengarry Glen Ross to help motivate them. The old guard need to be primaried and taken to task. Pelosi has possibly used her position to enrich herself, while tens of thousands go hungry in her district.

If you think going further left is what is going to win the next election, you have another thing coming.

I could have told you they’d learn nothing because they also didn’t learn anything from 2016.

Fuck that crypt keeper palosi. She needs to fucking leave already

There is nothing to “learn.” They know what their doing. The Democrats would take another 16 years of President Trump happily before they would risk their relationship with their wealthy donors. They are not your allies, they are a tool of your enemies.

yep we lost only ally n this1

They know, they just don’t care.

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