Going back to the Stone Age

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I love it when these people make themselves look stupid. What the fuck for DEI have to do with natural disasters?

Whatever to distract you from the fact that big business owns it all, but doesnt want to pick up the bill of fixing what they broke.

They were doing it then too:

> It’ll bring about terrorist bombs, it’ll bring earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor.

That’s Pat Robertson talking about pride flags during a parade at Disney in 1998

This article from 2012 mentions a few other things from a California drought in 1978 to the  9/11 attacks that were all the fault of people not hating gay people enough.


The far right keep spreading lies because they’re stupid fucking moronic bigots and they’re so fucking dumb they don’t even realize that they’re the well-ttained, obedient lap dogs of the people who are deliberately destroying our planet, the people who are behind the culture and class wars, the people who start wars and genocides, the enemies of the working class, the absolute scum of the Earth, the one, the only; the capitalist class, the most deliberately evil people in human history.

They just DEI hired the secretary of defense.

Conservatives never have to worry about appealing to intellect, it frees them up to go after the emotionally unstable imbeciles.

Minorities, women, ANTIFA, drug cartels, going forward disasters will be caused by whatever the enemy of the moment happens to be

So we’re clear, the recent fires were fueled by a higher than usual level of ultra-dry scrub, and they were driven by hurricane force winds that lasted days.

In short, those fires were unstoppable.

So I propose that we blame unstoppable disasters that affect red states disproportionately on something completely random.


The increase in EF-5 tornadoes in the South is due to southerners’ refusal take grits off breakfast menus.

Great example of the right’s inability to think clearly, or at all.

And then the scientists would say “who’s in charge? A republican? Again??”

The 90s?

We’ve known about climate change for more than 60 years and we’ve done NOTHING up until recently and what we have done is only a goddamn drop in the bucket.

Nobody serious takes these people seriously, except the media. 

they were smart people, they probably thought that was possible

What the fuck does DEI have to do with nature disasters, like generally.

I’ll let my (white WWII vet) grandpa (deceased) know that the house he built with his own two hands was DEI.

I mean, they WERE blaming hurricanes and fires on the gays in the 90’s. It was just “God’s punishment” instead of “DEI strikes again.”

Imagine telling climate scientists that climate change would become a scapegoat for incompetence and poor planning.

New and exciting levels of “it’s not the wealthy, it’s conveniently the demographic minority I don’t like!”

I never wouldve believed people could be this silly if i didnt see it myself

I imagine they would be sad but unsurprised.

so… without the DEI and without immigrants, who do they blame for this stuff? Catholics?

In the 90’s as soon as something was deemed unpopular you’d have someone immediately say “No, that’s gay”

So kinda?

I’m sure someone who can’t even spell the word “defiantly” correctly is wholly qualified to speak on such a complicated topic like DEI.

Dont forget women are also DEI when they are in any professional setting that isn’t a teacher or maid.

But don’t be convinced they are just stupid. They know its not true, its intentional spreading of hatred to make enemies out of everyone that opposes their agenda.

This. is Evil.

these people will believe ANYTHING AT ALL

Why did you post a screenshot from twitter, dont you know its a NAZI website and you are nazi by association. Be better

The US called women witches and blamed their success on it, the US was built on black and indigenous slavery and blames them for the things they didn’t build, and now the US is refusing to take care of its land and it’s blaming the people who can’t afford to live in it

The original image is kinda dumb. But DEI does not improve the function of any business at all.

It’s always a temptation to assign sudden, unexplainable deaths to the judgment of God in response to secret (or open) sin. Jesus says not so fast; it is a mistake to automatically attribute such tragedies to the vengeance of God. Whether it is a man-made tragedy (Pilate’s slaughter of the Galileans) or a naturally caused tragedy (the fall of the tower of Siloam), it is wrong to assume that the victims are somehow worse sinners than everyone else and thus deserve to die.


They’re all hateful spiteful people that will be more than happy watching the world burn as long they get to continue hating people different than them.

Yeah I mean not DEI fault, but the people in charge did fuck all to try and mitigate the disaster it became. Seems like the Gov and Mayor have been doing a pretty shitty job out there.

That’ll be a helpful template for understanding government policy moving forward.

Blaming DEI is stupid, blaming conservationists by not doing controlled burns should be the main focus.

Forest fires only started happening in California very recently.

Funny how right The Simpsons were about the Republicans even back in the mid 90s. Sad that jokes became reality with them.

I hate upvoting posts like this, because it still gives exposure to the original terrible meme.

Mark Baum: I have a feeling in a few years people are going to be doing what they always do when the economy tanks. They will be blaming immigrants and poor people.

Hear me out: maybe climate change AND shitty policies led to this

The hole in the ozone layer wasn’t from chlorofluorocarbons, it was cause by the civil rights movements. Duh!


They’d have been like “black and gay people, of course!!!”

“Defiyantly Free” from proper spelling too. But then I guess only commies follow linguistic rules.

Is this sub just American political bs? Seems it. Thought it would be quite funny (like proper comebacks) but so tired of seeing this shit. Clever comebacks is the same.

Y’all wooshed on the meaning. Ever heard of metaphors?

Edit: I also noticed use of grotesque exaggeration.

Seems you dont understand the meme. Its not about “DEI” (whatever this is, I am from germany, I dont know your shit) causing climate catatrophes. but “DEI” not beeing able to handle fire / wrong responses / mistakes.

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