good lord did Biden get a lot done and the thanks he got for it was by far and away the most negative, unfair media coverage of any President in my lifetime and there isn’t a close second

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he could have cured cancer, deciphered signals from outer space and established contact with aliens, invented a functioning cold fusion reactor ( or whatever that thing is called). It, does, not, matter. It just doesn’t matter what he’d accomplish. The right would hate him regardless.

Solely on the fact that he’s a democrat.

The GOP / Republicans will always attack those they don’t like REGARDLESS of what they do.
Take for example the post going around where someone mocked Zelensky for not wearing a suit and tie when macron and trump did. You just fucking KNOW, that they’d still trash him if he did. Then the message would just be “why is he wearing expensive clothes when his people are suffering?!”. They don’t actually have a stance, other than “opposite of whatever the democrats have”.

His chips act got the company I work for multiple large contracts, and I’m thankful for that. I’m not even a Democrat, but I find it hard not to appreciate what he did for me personally. His support for Ukraine, while it could have been more daring, has made me quite fond of him.

I don’t know all the things he has done. I do know he signed a law that made it illegal for my union to strike. He is the reason we weren’t able to negotiate paid sick leave and better working conditions. He took rights given to every working American and denied them to me and my coworkers because he didn’t want the stock market to drop. My life has become substantially more difficult and stressful as a direct result of his actions.

Wow! Such finance! Clowns

Is this entire post and series of replies misinformation from a foreign government or PAC?

He could have countered this “unfair media campaign” by being a sentient person during the debate

Unfair coverage? The man has Alzheimer’s and the media covered for him for 3 and a half years. This post shows the cognitive dissonance of this app. He got a lot done because the dems controlled all 3 branches so congress and the senate would shove through anything that was placed in front of them.

Have you seen or listened to any media between 2016 and 2020?

The biggest failing of his admin was communication. The vast majority of democrat voters I know cannot name anything he has done in his term. That cost them the election. Tell people 4.4 billion dollars in junk fees were put directly into the poorest Americans pockets.

He got those things done, but some of those things are bad things. That’s why he is so unpopular

Unfair we couldn’t play with his leg hairs for 2 terms 😔

Passing junk bills with fancy and misleading names is a congressional standard.

lol the inflation reduction act was nothing but a name. It didn’t do shit to reduce inflation and the $1.9T of largely bullshit spending only fanned the inflation fires.

It was a massive failure and likely the reason the Dems didn’t win a second term. With lower inflation, they would have stood a much better chance.

Don’t forget the Illegal Alien Come Right in Act and the Unpunished Crime for Everyone Act

The Chips act is the only really good one.

Everything else is legislative diarrhea

Watching the recent nbc interview with Trump is so depressing. 

He goes the whole time giving non-answers to softball questions and then complains about bias. 

How is this related to finance?

Biden is easily the second worst president in modern American history after George w. Bush.

No one’s going to look back on Biden and remember the chips act, or any this other stuff that he did.

They’re just going to look back and see a president that ruined the economy, failed at a stated purpose of never allowing Trump to get back into office, and an inflationary president.

It’s pretty simple.
The Republican party is supported by an entire media ecosystem via FOX news, and other agencies.

MSNBC is NOT that for the Democrats. All other media in the US tried to “both sides” things, and ends up holding the dems to a higher standard than the Republicans b/c at the end of the day there are entire 24 hour “news” agencies created to push an agenda that benefits the people who own it.

Until the US regulates media, or a billionaire Democrat buys a 24 hour network that can compete with FOX it will always be like this.

Trump or Vance or whatever other sham candidate they put up will always get their message out and be able to play the victim b/c of exactly that. The only reason you have trump in the white house again is b/c of “news” organizations like FOX and Musk’s nazi manufacturing platform X. That’s it.

He’s been a generally useless president…but to be fair, he’s had severe dementia the entire time. Looking forward to President Trump fixing the mess he and kamala have created.

Noticing that the man is in mental decline is not unfair to him, it’s reality. This is the biggest contributing factor in the left losing. Anyone who isn’t 100% captured by the left can see clearly that they were lying about his condition for how long? Remember he did not debate Trump in 2020.

Respect for marriage act is probably the most useless one there is. Marriages were already allowed before that 🤣

Typical of anyone who actually gets shit done. He’s not a loud lying showboat that seeks attention.

We’ve all worked with these people. There are the cool ones that get shit done and help people. Then there are the whiny complaining types who come in with a victim mentality talking shit about everyone not on their side.

Then there are those that get some things done but spend %70 of the time talking about what they did.

Because of this, it’s open season for the loudmouth superficial douche bags that get their popularity by manipulating weak emotional people and exaggerate or lie all the time.

The only act worth a damn is chips and science. That was happening regardless after what covid did. On top of that, it added unnecessary pork spending.

I’ll make the argument that the treatment of Bill Clinton was pretty negative. Considering what the economy was doing *on average* during his term, it really did seem like all anybody could do was talk about Clinton getting a blowie. This was the height of Rush Limbaugh’s bullshit though, and he made quite a name for himself by being a complete contrarian to all things liberal.

So great he was forced to drop out 

He also enabled a genocide and poured money into wars.

Lmao. Sure bud. Biden got the most unfair media coverage… that’s a good one

Plus a massive increase in fentanyl supply and workers

All of those “ACTS” were 90% money to ukraine, cut the crap

Inflation reduction act? Seriously? That did nothing to reduce inflation, it is still way higher than it was just 4 yrs ago. The man is a life long liar and thief.

DNC should have embraced real democrats that are for the people like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr and they would have won this election and brought unity to the country again… instead they went with the extreme left wacko’s and ran the most unlikable and unqualified person they could in Kamala Harris… Thank you DNC leadership for Trumps victory…

…how is this finance?

Solid financial post here. Kidding.

Is this post supposed to be satire? Or??

Lol you guys are so pathetic. He’s a corrupt senile cod. Y’all are making reddit unreadable.

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